MovieChat Forums > Beaver Falls (2011) Discussion > What are everyone's first impressions?

What are everyone's first impressions?

I know there is little information on the E4 page and a few videos, but what does everyone think this will be like?

Another Skins clone with Inbetweeners-esque comedy?

"If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed." - Stanley J. Kubrick



That sounds about right.

'Better that we die on our feet than live on our knees'-Magneto


I just saw another trailer; it added American Pie and Glory Days to the mix.

"If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed." - Stanley J. Kubrick


Having just watched it, it's sorta like the UK version of "Meatballs" (The Bill Murray movie)

Nothing out of this world, but a good start for the first episode, and none of the 3 main lead characters annoy me... plus there's a couple of fine looking women in it, so things can only get better!

Definitely something to build upon, and I will continue to watch.

Born when she kissed me, died when she left me, lived whilst she loved me


Three leads are cool enough, but the humour was painfully inept playing up to the Anglo/American divide too much. I felt bored within the 1st 20 minutes, which doesn't bode well for the remaining season.

No wonder channel 4's 4OD channel on youtube doesn't allow comments. Because I fear most of them would have been negative.
'Censors tend to do what psychotics do,they confuse reality with illusion' David Cronenberg


An Asian,a cute Scot and a guy who is clumsy with girls have sexual mishaps. BEAVER FALLS or SIRENS? Is this theme C4's current flavour of the season?


terrible show Bristish stuff slowly turning into american shouldnt let this happen!



I watched it last night and it helped me to fall asleep.


He's Irish, not Scottish :)


No...he's scottish


I really enjoyed the first episode especially the ending lol. Pity they aren't showing episodes again can't find it anywhere on Sky. 4od it is then sigh.


Didnt think i would like it but i do. Didnt like Skins though.


Its ok so far


It's not bad, no where near as funny as the Inbetweeners but it's an ok gap filler while I wait of Supernatural starting!


Seen the first 3, and: I like it! Looking forward to ep. 4. Sam is the best thing about the show, but all the actors are great.
