More thanks needed

It was all well and good that Mr. Widner thanked the Southern Poverty Law Center over and over for footing the bill to have the tattoos removed from his face and neck but where was the thanks to the taxpayers that support him and his family. Since neither he nor his wife worked I can only assume they had to be collecting welfare, aid to dependent children and the like. Supposedly the main reason he was having the tattoos removed was so he could obtain gainful employment. I doubt this will ever happen. Lets face it his only work experience is drinking 5 six packs a day and beating up and intimidating minorities, including a year in jail for severely assaulting an innocent Hispanic man. He actually has little incentive to ever work since he and his family are not exactly living in poverty. Their double wide home looked pretty nice and I noticed they had satellite TV access and money to buy cigarettes and feed the numerous animals wandering around. Let us hope he will at least perform some community service to help in some small way to repay those taxpayers that helped him financially to start his new life.


Let us hope he will at least perform some community service

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Throughout the documentary, I felt very little compassion for this disgusting human being. On top of being a criminal and racist, this man was a lazy victim who had reasons and excuses but very little drive. I understand what type of social statement was made by footing the bill to have the tattoos removed, but the vehicle used to deliver the statement was shoddy and insulting to tax payers. These people were not only living off social assistance but they were also disgusting messy slobs (as per the bedroom scene with empty pop cans all over). I was happy to see this guy suffer during removals but still wish that justice was served properly and that the removal was done by a Hispanic doctor with no


Yeah, he should have just stayed a violent racist... It's funny how this guy is trying to change his life and probably inspiring others to do the same while you are just spewing negativity over the Internet.


I agree, thank you. This film was thought provoking. The best stories have flawed protagonists, and this protagonist is flawed in many ways as we all are. Seeing him disavow his ignorant racism was good, but he wasn't without other problems. It's always good when people move in the right direction, whatever other flaws we may have.


I think he just spoke in a matter of fact and honest way. I admired him and his family and I truly found them to be inspiring. He didn't hide the fact that he was still dealing with anger issues and was still a work in progress. The gentleness he expressed towards his wife and children was incredible.


Well said.
hopefully he can get some sort of training


He said in the movie that he worked doing tattoos so I'd assume work wasn't that hard to come by for him.
