The Exorcist gone wrong?

1. In The Exorcist, the girl pees. In this, the girl pees AND LICKS IT UP.
2. In The Exorcist, the bed and stuff shakes... In this they spend a while in a major dissertation of why this might be.
3. In The Exorcist, the girl says in a demonic voice *beep* me"... in this she actually attempts to commit the act herself. And then (in a separate but somewhat related scene) take her friggin' shirt off.
4. In The Exorcist the bed shakes. In this movie the girl looks like things are halfway between bucking bronco and attempting to ride the bed out of the room.
5. That girl from The Exorcist looked scary. In this they seriously want you creeped out, so she keeps on getting as close to the camera as possible with all that mascara.

Just check out her "I am the sad fish" face.

