Dean Durling

I swear, the only reason I don't change the channel when this movie comes on is the Dean character. He's such a crooked smarmy A-hole, but he's fun to watch at the same time - especially with that sleazy grin of his. Ryan Bittle seems to be aware that this isn't to be taken seriously so he camps it up like crazy.

The idea that Hallmark would even think about inserting a scene into their CHRISTMAS special where their "bad guy" is briefly mistaken for a potential pedophile (*rubs hands together* the dirtier and skinnier the better!)- a freaking riot

You kind of have to wonder where the heck this guy was before he got randomly plucked by some Machiavellian elf to help dupe Santa's daughter into becoming an Angelino in order to help him take over the North Pole and deny presents to all the world's children (if he even knows that's what he's doing) - so flipping random....


It was obvious from the way that all the other characters took an instant dislike to him that he was the baddie that he proved to be. I was hissing at him every time that he appeared all the way through as well.
