Who are ...?

The credits include a woman who is "Chuck's other wife" and a man who is "Chuck's gay partner." Who were they in the movie? I don't remember them at all. Can someone help?


Interesting questions. I thought I was paying attention throughout, so either I was kidnapped by aliens and memory-wiped at a key moment (and don't you just hate it when that happens), or a scene or two were deleted at some point. What I find funny is that at one point early on, I had a quick thought of "it would be interesting if besides his job, he has another family elsewhere" and then forgot about that as the film went along.

I have seen enough to know I have seen too much. -- ALOTO


Agreed. It sounds like some tangential story lines that didn't survive the editing process since they distracted from the coming of age story arc of Lucy. I can imagine a lot of dramatic potential in delving farther into the parents' backstories that could illuminate their characters.

goleafsgo27: I'm digging your shaded quote style. It inspired some searching about exactly how to make that happen. Thanks for the inspiration.

I'm pretty sure Tonto was a Jew -- Sterling Malory Archer



It might have actually balanced out his wifes little drama scenes some. We get to see her interaction issues and little melt downs but we dont get to see anything similar with the dad. Might have actually balanced it out if we saw him bunking up with some other lumberjack whose tired of hearing about his precious little girl "back home". Or better yet, trying to keep another dysfunctional family together in another state.


I wondered if he might have some other family - would have made the mom's flakiness more understandable.
