MovieChat Forums > The Dyatlov Pass Incident (2013) Discussion > Netflix's instant watch shows a screen ...

Netflix's instant watch shows a screen image not found in the movie.

If you have Netflix they show a image prior to playing it. I didn't see this footage anywhere in the movie.

In fact it looks like our protagonists after they go through the portal but I cant be sure. Just seems to be missing from the movie entirely.


I only watched the film because of that picture and ended up severely disappointed by terrible cgi monsters :/


I was wondering about that too. I saw that image before watching the movie and thought it might be a spoiler (netflix really needs to stop with the images because of that reason)then it turns out to not be in the movie at all.

Is there an extended version of the movie anywhere and if so could it be from that?


Where or what is this "image?" I just watched it on Netflix I don't know what you all are talking about


You're talking about the two creature people crouched in a nicely lit room right? When I saw the picture I thought it was supposed to be some creepy tribe people they were interviewing or demon possessed people and then was dissapointed not to see it all.


That Netflix picture isn't actually in the movie, and yet it's still a huge spoiler. I probably wouldn't have watched the movie in the first place if they didn't have that image, though. It made the movie seem like it would be a lot more interesting than the boring description (which it wasn't actually).


Have been wondering this myself.

Total spoiler, and yet not in the movie



The second and third photos on here are of the same actors made up as the monsters. They obviously filmed the scenes and released photos but then decided to go CGI instead for some reason.


Actually I don't think they are the same actors, but yes, they are production stills from the movie. They must have been disappointed in the look of the practical effects, wire-work, etc. and went with CGI instead. Without seeing the mutant sequences done that way I can't really say if they would have been better, but I will say that the look of the creatures made up in make-up is definitely creepier than the close-ups of the CGI monsters..who reminded me of the creatures from I am Legend.
