MovieChat Forums > Parker (2013) Discussion > Incredible healing abilities

Incredible healing abilities


So Parker gets shot three times but walks out of hospital a few hours later as if nothing happened?

Cmon ...


You were the first to notice that. Good for you.

"I don’t know when it was decided we all need a soundtrack everywhere we go". Soderbergh


thanks, I am very smart.


He heals fast in the novel, but not THAT fast. He's still not completely recovered by the end of the story. In the movie, the injuries seem to be a way to create doubt as to the outcome of fights--but it's a Jason Statham movie. We know who's going to win all the fights.


I like Statham and we all know that he is going to win anyway, but the director/scriptwriter should make it a bit more challenging for him in the future.


You mean like force him to use more than two different facial expressions?

reply was the soup!


Yea, you have an incredibly small brain too. This is a MOVIE u dumb ass. It is for entertainment. Should they make sure your mother is in it every scene, same spot on the coach, with her tongue out, exactly the same too?
