MovieChat Forums > Parker (2013) Discussion > It glorifies Criminals.. Didn't like it....

It glorifies Criminals.. Didn't like it..

Right on the DVD case it says Parker is 'A Professional Thief'...

I don't like the idea of a movie in anyway glorifying a criminal, even if he is played By JS.

I usually like Jason's movies, as he takes out the bad guys. But this is bad.. He plays a bad guy taking out bad guys.. and survives to steal again in the end!

Give me a break!

Poor Choice Jason!

2/10 stars.. It was only reinforcing bad values/crime and criminals..


Okay--I happen to agree this is a terrible movie--but explain something to me. You read "A professional thief". Right on the DVD case. You know Jason Statham is playing the thief, who is the protagonist, and therefore the movie will be from his POV. You also know his characters nearly always survive at the end of the movie (even when they fall out of helicopters a mile up, or get massive electric shocks that burn them to a crisp--he was a criminal in THOSE movies too).

Statham was himself the poor choice--he wasn't good enough to play Parker, one of the most remarkable characters in all of crime fiction. But with a poor director, and a poor screenwriter giving him his cues, I don't really blame him.

I do think the only person to blame for you watching a movie you didn't like when the DVD cover gave you fair warning is YOU.


So do you not watch any movies that involve criminals as protagonists? That sure narrows your viewing selections. You must have never seen Scarface, Goodfellas, The Godfather, Heat, etc. I bet you're some screaming liberal who blames car theft and mass shootings on Grand Theft Auto games. Think about the demographic before you make such an ignorant comment.


Then I guess you'll be watching a limited array of films.
Try Lifetime Channel...
It may be more your speed.

Bad films are a crime against humanity.


Sartor.your comments are so ridiculous they barely deserve a reply,
and the only reply they do deserve is,GET A LIFE YOU IDIOT!


I can enjoy a bad guy that is charismatic on screen. How do you feel about the Pirates of the Caribbean movies?

Come visit my


Ah, but those are the best kind ;)

I love movies that glorify "bad" values, crime/criminals.

Guess you've never seen Scarface, or the Godfather, or heck, even 2003's The Italian Job.

To paraphrased Parker himself in the movie, "Everyone steals"
