
How is it that 95% of the clients, regardless of age, profession, or income level, seem to be as covered in tattoos as the gigolos themselves are? How is a single mom with a low-paying job able to afford extravagant body art? I'm almost starting to think that the clientele are fakes, planted by the producers. I'm also amazed too how every client has a particular, specific fantasy, i.e. no one wants garden-variety anything, and none of these fantasies is ever repeated. Fake show much?

reply's all staged. Just enjoy it for what it's worth.


People with tattoos are the biggest followers in the world. They are so desperate for people to look at them they scream insecurity.


Your analysis is spot-on, kcm!


I have never really thought of this before but thinking about it and about the people I know who have a lot of's pretty true.

"The cover of this book is so misleading. It never snows like the cover implies that it does."


Nice generalization. I have tattoos and I am neither a follower nor desperate for attention. Just happen to like them, even though most of the ones I have are only visible to myself.


i have close to 60 tattoos,i am a hairstylist and i was on the show,i trade hair work for my tattoo artists wife for him to do my work.but he has only done my last 6.i was on gigolos on season 2,but their rates have gone up now for their services


You were actually IN an episode that aired on television? If so, what percentage of this show is bulls***? Do you know enough about that to give an estimate?

"The cover of this book is so misleading. It never snows like the cover implies that it does."


Because they are actual porn stars that are hired as actresses for the show. Tattoos are synonomous with drugs which are usually in line with a loose sex lifestyle and there you have it.


The show is heavily scripted. The clients are not actually clients but aspiring actresses and people who are so stupid they would be willing to tarnish their future prosperity for three minutes of x-rated airtime. The ones who come on here saying they are former clients contradict themselves because prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas. Garren James stated in an interview the cast members get paid per episode so they are not acting as escorts in the traditional sense. I read in an article they get paid $50,000.00 per episode. The "clients" are chosen by casting directors to pretend they are paying for escort services.
