Hooker scene?

There is a brief scene where a character starts beating up a hooker after he asks her, "You didn't know?" I was confused by this scene...what is it she didn't know?


That was the guy who liked beating up prostitutes, and whom supposedly killed joeys homeless-turned-hooker friend. What she didn't know was his reputation for beating up girls for fun...


I think, "they didn't tell you?" was his question. If they had told her, she probably would have refused the gig.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam



She acts like she doesn't know, but in fact she does.



It's very confusing how that works.


Well! Is obvious to me!! The maffia used this poor girl just to get information about this guy, probably she didn't know about this. Did you see the girl who came when the hooker start to scream. She was just looking into his jacket and didn't even care about what was happening in the room.


Correct, the hooker gang knew the person but not his name, they used this scene/chance to get the name out to Joey as planned with him.
