
Would have been better as a roger corman monster film. SPOILERS

Stellar intro and score when she gains consciousness (perhaps five minutes worth of blade runner-level cinematography and screenplay here) with genuine quality and entertainment up until the end of the first act (arm chop) despite the contrited feel of the military transport scene. It then proceeds to nosedive into benign exposition and juxtapositional plot points that borrows from several films outright at impressive speed.

Not sure how to understand the twist as it's called. Since Eve can safely be considered the antagonist of the end of the film, it isn't clear with all the hallucinating just what she is. Was she stuck in a loop? Was she an alien who escaped? What did she see in the (Adam) body bag? As impressive as it started; and what covert psycho-ops/analysis of its premise it did dabble in, it's equally impressive at how convoluted and amateur it became by the third act.

One thing is for certain: the art direction on the film poster/box art is utterly amazing and usually reserved for those epic films you buy over and over in changing formats.



I am not sure what you're alluding to in your second paragraph. I don't know what people consider to be "the twist" there are several surprises. The first is that the woman is not someone he actually knew. The next is that the woman he loved, he also killed. The third is that Eve had part of an alien's brain in her.

What she saw in the body bag was the alien. Her mental state was fragile because as the doctor who she made saw his own skull said her memories were in petri dish. They had basically removed part of her brain and replaced it with the alien's, so she was left without a memory of a past, but apparently fully intelligent and possessing instincts of both human and alien origin.


well..... i just dnt think THEY [[such bad peep] shoud put evil and h8 and vilence in movies.....cos that wud b btr......ok????



Actually you are wrong (and the doctor tells the audience this) in his little speech about transferred memory

Eve does not have part of the alien's brain in her
The alien has part of Eve's brain inside her(it?)

She saw her own (original) body inside the bag

Eve is projecting herself which causes all the hallucinations around her (eg that she is the soldiers girlfriend, and to others even that she looks human)


Eve is projecting herself which causes all the hallucinations around her (eg that she is the soldiers girlfriend, and to others even that she looks human)

That would be an interesting theory except for the fact that at times she snaps out of it and isn't projecting, at which point everyone should see a big 'ole alien. But they don't. Instead it's just her.

Also, your theory is wrong because remember... after they had the operation where they put the alien brain inside of her she was on video tape talking about how she could hear everyone's voices, and then proceeded to stab the doctor in the hand. They had to remove her memories thereafter to make room for the alien's psychic activities, which is why they put her brain in a petri dish.

If she were actually the alien projecting, then the video camera obviously would have picked up that she was an alien and not a human, since the camera has no mental capacities to be manipulated.
