Misleading reviews

OK, where to even begin with this bizarre low budget mess of a trip?
I'm not sure if the filmmakers wanted intentionally to have a bad
audio-video quality throughout the film, but if it really was
intentional, they most certainly achieved it. I'm probably thinking
they did this to achieve a certain film noir, cinema verite "old artsy
film look". OK fine, however, I'm not sure if the result produced the
effect they were really going for. If that even is what the
filmmaker/filmmakers were going for? As it might have even just been a
lack of proper equipment, and a simple combination of just bad old
filmmaking, and probably being stoned or something. After all,
according to the IMDb, the majority of the movie was shot in and around
Denver, Colorado, the first major cannabis capital of the US.


The picture and the color seemed to be sort of faded, out of focus, and
unclear, and even if that effect was deliberate, it felt sort of
annoying (at least to me). At times, it sort of felt like I was
watching a movie in a drive through theater, through a dirty
windshield, just wanting to squirt the windshield water fluid, and turn
my wipers on.

The audio, was not much better either, as it didn't sound very clean,
reminding me of the old early mono sound movies from the 1930's. It
would get from very quiet to really loud at times, which would then
make the dialogue even hard to hear and understand, so I literally had
to push the English caption option on, to read what the characters were
saying. However, maybe that had something to do with Amazon's bad audio
transfer or something, as I seem to see a lot of people complaining
about bad video and audio with other movies on Amazon Prime as well.


Nevertheless, intentional or not, artsy or not, the cinematography in
this movie was just not that good, even for a low budget indi. However,
despite the bad cinematography, the film did have some original and
unique elements. The dynamic of the film, even though disjointed and
overly slow at moments, seemed to have a constant incline in its
un-orthodox style of storytelling, and did not feel bland or
predictable, as many stories in today's cinema do. This is something I
found interesting and unique about this film, as even though unusual,
it doesn't look, or feel like anything out there. Perhaps, it is this
strange dream like element to this film, that gives it its unique
originality, that seem to carry its own weight.

The history regarding the period of general Flavius Aetius and Chalons,
to Emperor Augustulus and Odocer, seems to be be rather close to actual
historical accuracy, or at least compared to great many other films
that butcher it from the getgo. I even noticed something very
interesting (I red the clear captions), that the character of Flavius
Aetius and Senator Magnus were talking about the historic Council of
Chalcedon. I thought that this was an interesting touch within the
story, mixed with a lots of good musical soundtracks, and interesting
montage of the dancers and the festivities in the streets of Rome.
Which in its collage of many different images and shots blending with
each other, gave it an interesting feel of actually being there.

Although, according to what I was thought about history, I don't
believe that the last Roman Emperor Augustulus was living in Rome in
476 A.D. but Ravenna. Also, the Roman uniforms seem to not mach the
late Roman Empire of the 5th century, but look more like the second, or
even first century uniforms warn during the Biblical times. However,
let's say, that was due to the lack of budget.

Overall, if you take all the elements of this story in consideration,
with a lot of bad elements, the movie did have some interesting moments
and surprises, that manage to keep your attention up until the end (at
least for me it did), as the movie does get better and better as it
goes on. That is, if you like the lower budget indi B films, you might
like this, as it does have its artistic unique quality to it, however,
if you are fan of present blockbuster fast paced CGI movies, you might
wanna pass on this, as it might come across as a boring artsy mess.
