My Review

First the cast... Twinkle Bajpai is one of the most beautiful actresses I've ever seen.

Second, he sets up cameras to prove Glen Manor is haunted, very Paranormal Activity, the house though is more reminiscent of 1980's The Changeling, old, somber, empty, hallowed...

Third, at night he hears a woman singing, I believe this to be Meera Sabharwal (Twinkle Bajpai)... and we begin to envision what the movie is about... a beautiful woman killed at the prime of her life, haunting this old mansion forever more with her sad songs, and residual terror...

So far it's a pretty good movie... I love when he sees her singing at the piano, opens the door and she's not there.

It's not the best movie, but it's so unique, and better than so many scary movies to come out of Hollywood in years! It's original, fresh, with a good story, pacing, and acting, i really liked it.

Interestingly enough, the actor who played Rehan Mimoh Chakraborty resembles our classic American actor Douglas Fairbanks, in the eyes, I'd say... which is interesting.

Wow this movie is LONG... I thought it was actually about over, at the 1 hr 15 minute mark... but it has a whole other HOUR to go!

For how long the film is, it's worth watching, the story is involved, and detailed and really nicely shot. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend it.



