Teri Ivens

Pushing 50, isn't she a bit long in the tooth to be pushing for the hot chick role?


Terri is nothing short of gorgeous. Did you see her in that bikini? You must have been watching Sharktopus or that Cupcake movie by mistake. Hit that Tivo button and watch again, I beg you. If that's what you call 'long in the tooth', then bring me a dozen more of the same.


She is so beautiful she made this movie worth watching.


"She is so beautiful she made this movie worth watching."

I'm 100% behind Tepista on this statement. "Long in the tooth" my butt.


I was quite taken by her. I did a long look over her resume and unfortunately for me, I wasn't familiar in any of her work aside from a Married...with Children episode. If she turns up in more SyFy-type movies I sure won't complain.


Looking at too many 20-something Playboy models under the dim light of your parents' basement? Not a good sign.


and they aren't even real, they are so pathetically photoshopped... I like real women more than ones that don't exist in person


You must have been watching the wrong movie. She was, and is, absolutely gorgeous! She made the little 'sexpot' actress look like a two bit hooker.



She's "hot", but she wasn't the "hot chick" in this movie.
She was 44 when this was filmed, and she still wasn't 45 when it was released. That's not "pushing 50" and neither 44 or 50 are old. Get the stick out of your backside.

"long in the tooth"? Where did you come up with that one? Are you like 90 years old?
