MovieChat Forums > Catch .44 (2012) Discussion > What's with Whitaker's Accent

What's with Whitaker's Accent

Pretty awful how Whitaker's Hispanic accent dropped in and out. I'm not talking about when he was playing character for the benefit of the cop.

For example, toward the end, while Whitaker is talking to Willis, one line would be with an accent and the next without. I don't understand why the director didn't just let Whitaker use his own voice rather than ruin it with such a lame ass accent.


I agree, but I still enjoyed the film.


His character is a chameleon... watch the film again... he is an assassin, jeez!


Do people really watch movies anymore, or do they take in just enough to complain about them?

Whittaker's character, as he blatantly explains to us in the end, has lost himself. He was not an assassin, he was just a delivery guy. He used the Cuban accent to make himself feel tough. I suppose that Mel was the only character who knew Whittaker's real voice in the film.


He sounded like he was trying to channel Tony Montana.


I'm pretty sure he was both a delivery/hit man or basically a utility man for whatever job Mel needed to get done at whatever moment it needed to get done at.

However, the person who called him a chameleon is also right. He faked/disguised his personas often, to either blend in, slip through, or go unnoticed to get the job done. In the end, his mind snapped and he ended up randomly going through personas with no guide or direction.

I don't find that bad, as I found how poorly the directed did for us the audience to understand, and relate to the character. Matter of fact, his character build up was so poorly done, I actually liked seeing everyone die, including Tes, who should have died as well.


felt exactly the same...
