No Redeeming Qualities

There is nothing likable about these women other than watching them and being very upset at how shallow and teenage-ish they are. Don't see a season 2 happening.


Just came here to post the same thing! There isn't a single, likable trait to be found in any of these broads. They are all 100% atrocious.


I know these shows tend to put on, but I wonder if they are putting it on that hard, or if they really are that awful. I gotta give credit to that one gal though (ripped dress) whose family lent the money for her gallery, she doesn't seem so terrible.


Yeah, I actually kinda like her. But I do think she's an idiot for starting a business with girls she hasn't even known for a full year.

Everything looks worse in black and white.


The most interesting character is the asian girl, although she is kind of annoying. The rest of the girls are okay.


They all seem pretty loathsome to me. Especially the hair stroker. I think I'll take a pass on this series.


It s just really hard for me to watch this atrocity when the characters are self entitled trust fund babies who never worked for anything in their lives... I just feel bad for people who actually work their butt off to get those internship and get turned down because they dont have the right daddy

