A shameless rip-off....

Yep. I'm calling it. Everything in here was taken drectly from The Blair Witch Project, Noroi and Paranormal Activity. Literally EVERYTHING, especially from Noroi. I could say it is a nice amateur attempt, but it's actually pretty terrible. Literally the most awful thing I've seen.


For WeirdRaptor:
This is why I know this is a rip-off:

The found footage style: Okay, I agree that by now this tiresome trend is everywhere, especially in horror films. However, the difference in the usage of this gimmick in good films lies in its execution. Blair Witch Project didn't do it first, but it popularized the idea. It was simple, yet creative. The whole film was allegedly some found footage with low video quality, taped with handheld cameras. Paranormal Activity took another approach and used static videocameras that were set throughout the house. Noroi set itself apart by using the idea that the footage was the work of a researcher who taped different, seemingly unrelated events, that turned out to be related after all. Marble Hornets didn't do ANYTHING different from these three films. In fact it did the exact same, it just combined the three angles. I'd say it's very obvious what kinds of films the creators were watching before starting their project, but I'll delve more in this in the next points.

- The way in which seeminly unrelated incidents are presented, and then we start seeing the pattern in them is directly taken from Noroi. The only difference is that Noroi deals with the Kagutaba and Marble Hornets with the Slender Man. You could say that Noroi is not the only film that has done this before, but it is certainly the only "found footage style" film that has done it before Marble Hornets.

- The mask of the entity that follows the guy around and runs into the camera and whatnot has a very suspicious resemblance to the mask of the Kagutaba in Noroi. Their likeness is too much to be just a coincidence, especially considering that this is not the only similarity between the two films. Even though you'll still say I'm wrong, just take a look for yourself.

http://icecreamsoda4.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/vlcsnap-2010-03-24-17 h08m41s139.png

- The editing is awfully similar to Noroi. Have you seen Noroi? Have you noticed the sudden cuts between each videoclip, and how a small "narration" follows explaining what was the important things about each clip? Well, if you haven't, let me tell you they are almost the exact same. If you have, then there's no way that you will disagree with me, unless you never notice how a film is edited.

- The scary distortion and sound effects are too similar to the effects heard/seen in Noroi. If the only similar thing between the two movies had been these effects, I would not have even noticed, but since it is just one more similarity of many, it is bothersome.

- The distortion effects followed by the creepy face in front of the camera is absolutely directly taken from Noroi too. The first of these ocurrances appear in Entry #22 I think.

- The creepy way in which we see distorted glimpses of the Slender Man, such as the ending of Entry #29 is, again, directly taken from NOROI. There's just no way around it. Creepy things have appeared distorted in other movies I guess, but with this exact execution? Shot in a handheld camera, with the shot being distorted while it catches a glimpse of the entity and then suddenly turning to black? Nope, that execution was typical and almost exclusive to Noroi.

- That scene where the guy knocks on the girl's door to ask her about some weird noises coming from her room, and then the way she refutes that anything was heard in there is also seen in Noroi, shot almost in the exact same way.

- The numerous sheets of paper with weird (supposedly creepy) messages and symbols are also seen, guess where? Yep, in NOROI. In case you are wondering what I'm talking about, they start appearing in Entry #8. They are such a cliché! They are not seen only in Noroi, but in The Mothman Prophecies, The Ring, and other films too. Come on Marble Hornets! Do something different already! Besides, the way in which the messages are written in the sheet of paper looks soooo damn forced! It's like the letters are desperately trying to be creepy.

- When they start putting the camera in specific locations throughout the house, and the audience notices weird shït happening while the protagonist is sleeping, is such a Paranormal Activity moment. This starts being noticeable in Entry #14, then by Entry #24 the whole thing seems like a fanmade homage to Paranormal Activity.

- The way in which the guy disappears from his bed, and the cam stops shooting him for hours and then he just comes back with no memory of this ever happening is, again, a PARANORMAL ACTIVITY moment. No way around it. I'm aware that the legend of the Slender Man supposedly says that it kind of hypnotizes you, but the execution of these scenes is the exact same as in Paranormal Activity. I believe this starts on Entry #19.

- The Slender Man doll. Where else have we seen this type of physical manifestations? Well, The Blair Witch Project comes to mind. Not any other film, but THE BLAIR WITCH, the precursor to this type of films.

- Remember that scene in Entry #22 where the guy with the camera just kind of gets hit by something off camera, then he silently falls to the ground and the next shot is of the camera on the ground and the guy is never heard of again? Well, that's also the ending of The Blair Witch Project.

- This is an extra: The way in which the guy who is presenting the videos does his research is AWFUL. I mean, what's his motivation? He just felt compelled? Let's cut it some slack in that regard, okay? Let's just assume he is a curious guy, but then he goes into the house with the Slender Man doll, and then he goes again, and then again! Geez! by Entry #23 the guy had already gone three times to the same house!!! Even though everytime he goes there his life seems to be in danger! Jesus, how bad and repetitive can a script be...



Nope, It's not. Talking about quality is subjective, talking about observable facts is not. I could even list how every single scary scene/element/idea in Marble Hornets is taken directly from something in those three films.



You didn't ask for it. I know I'm going to prove you wrong, and then you are going to suddenly stop replying because you are going to feel cornered. That's what people do when they don't want to accept when they are wrong, but still, I'll probably take the time to do it.



The thing about Tolkien, Shakespeare, Rowling, King, or most screenwriters in Hollywood (not all, but most) is that they get inspiration from different sources, like films, books, folklore, etc. That's not what I call a "rip-off". That's just "inspiration". What I call a rip-off is when very specific elements are exactly the same as in a very specific work, or in this case, three. Everything I saw in Marble Hornets is absolutely directly taken from those three films I mentioned. About why I'm posting here, I answered in the other thread and I'm sure you've seen it by now.



I know some things about the Slender Man myth, I'm not saying that the premise is stolen or something, I'm talking about the execution.



I pretty much doubt that.



Okay, you wanted me to point out where are the similarities? You may wait for a while because I'll take the time to make descriptions. BTW, I know this won't be of any consolation, but if I had known that the makers used to visit these boards, I wouldn't have been as harsh.



I'm near entry #40. Damn man, you are making me feel bad. I can still point out why I thought it was a rip-off if you want me to, but let's say that maybe they weren't intentional, ok? Maybe they were just coincidence. If you say the filmmakers haven't seen Noroi, then I believe you. I really didn't think you people were checking on these boards.



I just thought you were because the first time I said it you didn't deny it. The second time I said it you didn't deny it either. I thought you were agreeing that you are one of the creators. If you are not, then by all means I shall write thoroughly why I think Marble Hornets is a rip-off, and I'll add some other awful cliches I noticed that made me dislike this even more, just because I feel like it.



Who said I'm trying to change your mind? If you are already a fanboy then there's no way that you'll ever accept that there's anything wrong with what you love. I'll just make the point because I like expressing my opinion. Same as you. And I agree with you on Kimba and The Lion King btw. Now, gimme some time to write one by one the elements that I think are directly taken from the films I mentioned, besides some other terrible cliches I noticed.



Well, I do think it is a rip-off. Let me express why:

The found footage style: Okay, I agree that by now this tiresome trend is everywhere, especially in horror films. However, the difference in the usage of this gimmick in good films lies in its execution. Blair Witch Project didn't do it first, but it popularized the idea. It was simple, yet creative. The whole film was allegedly some found footage with low video quality, taped with handheld cameras. Paranormal Activity took another approach and used static videocameras that were set throughout the house. Noroi set itself apart by using the idea that the footage was the work of a researcher who taped different, seemingly unrelated events, that turned out to be related after all. Marble Hornets didn't do ANYTHING different from these three films. In fact it did the exact same, it just combined the three angles. I'd say it's very obvious what kinds of films the creators were watching before starting their project, but I'll delve more in this in the next points.

- The way in which seeminly unrelated incidents are presented, and then we start seeing the pattern in them is directly taken from Noroi. The only difference is that Noroi deals with the Kagutaba and Marble Hornets with the Slender Man. You could say that Noroi is not the only film that has done this before, but it is certainly the only "found footage style" film that has done it before Marble Hornets.

- The mask of the entity that follows the guy around and runs into the camera and whatnot has a very suspicious resemblance to the mask of the Kagutaba in Noroi. Their likeness is too much to be just a coincidence, especially considering that this is not the only similarity between the two films. Even though you'll still say I'm wrong, just take a look for yourself.

http://icecreamsoda4.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/vlcsnap-2010-03-24-17 h08m41s139.png

- The editing is awfully similar to Noroi. Have you seen Noroi? Have you noticed the sudden cuts between each videoclip, and how a small "narration" follows explaining what was the important things about each clip? Well, if you haven't, let me tell you they are almost the exact same. If you have, then there's no way that you will disagree with me, unless you never notice how a film is edited.

- The scary distortion and sound effects are too similar to the effects heard/seen in Noroi. If the only similar thing between the two would've been these effects, I would not have even noticed, but since it is just one more similarity of many, it is bothersome.

- The distortion effects followed by the creepy face in front of the camera is absolutely directly taken from Noroi too. The first of these ocurrances appear in Entry #22 I think.

- The creepy way in which we see distorted glimpses of the Slender Man, such as the ending of Entry #29 is, again, directly taken from NOROI. There's just no way around it. Creepy things have appeared distorted in other movies I guess, but with this exact execution? Shot in a handheld camera, with the shot being distorted while it catches a glimpse of the entity and then suddenly turning to black? Nope, that execution was typical and almost exclusive to Noroi.

- That scene where the guy knocks on the girl's door to ask her about some weird noises coming from her room, and then the way she refutes that anything was heard in there is also seen in Noroi, shot almost in the exact same way.

- The numerous sheets of paper with weird (supposedly creepy) messages and symbols are also seen, guess where? Yep, in NOROI. In case you are wondering what I'm talking about, they start appearing in Entry #8. They are such a cliché! They are not seen only in Noroi, but in The Mothman Prophecies, The Ring, and other films too. Come on Marble Hornets! Do something different already! Besides, the way in which the messages are written in the sheet of paper looks soooo damn forced! It's like the letters are desperately trying to be creepy.

- When they start putting the camera in specific locations throughout the house, and the audience notices weird shït happening while the protagonist is sleeping, is such a Paranormal Activity moment. This starts being noticeable in Entry #14, then by Entry #24 the whole thing seems like a fanmade homage to Paranormal Activity.

- The way in which the guy disappears from his bed, and the cam stops shooting him for hours and then he just comes back with no memory of this ever happening is, again, a PARANORMAL ACTIVITY moment. No way around it. I'm aware that the legend of the Slender Man supposedly says that it kind of hypnotizes you, but the execution of these scenes is the exact same as in Paranormal Activity. I believe this starts on Entry #19.

- The Slender Man doll. Where else have we seen this type of physical manifestations? Well, The Blair Witch Project comes to mind. Not any other film, but THE BLAIR WITCH, the precursor to these types of films.

- Remember that scene in Entry #22 where the guy with the camera just kind of gets hit by something off camera, then he silently falls to the ground and the next shot is of the camera on the ground and the guy is never heard of again? Well, that's also the ending of The Blair Witch Project.

- This is an extra: The way in which the guy who is presenting the videos does his research is AWFUL. I mean, what's his motivation? He just felt compelled? Let's cut it some slack in that regard, okay? Let's just assume he is a curious guy, but then he goes into the house with the Slender Man doll, and then he goes again, and then again! Geez! by Entry #23 the guy had already gone three times to the same house!!! Even though everytime he goes there his life seems to be in danger! Jesus, how bad and repetitive can a script be...

So far I'm on entry #35, but I'm sure I'll see some other scenes/ideas/elements that are a direct rip-off of superior films. You can deny my examples all you want, but the obvious similarities are absolutely undeniable and I don't think this is a coincidence.



That doesn't make Hornets bad, though. There are only so many ways to shoot "amateur with a camera"-style footage. If you have another idea for them to use, then share it.

I don't have another idea, that's why I'm not doing a web series with such style. The point is that Marble Hornets conveniently uses the same exact ideas established in the three films I'm using as an example. You could say that the Blair Witch Project style is pretty generic and it has been used numerous times, but I haven't seen the Noroi or Paranormal Activity narrative style in ANY other "found footage" film, except for Marble Hornets. Even you are not denying what I'm saying, you are just trying to rationalize it.

It's also a plot element from many mysteries. Very general.

The problem is that those other "many" mysteries aren't executed in the exact same way as Noroi, but Marble Hornets is. This is just one more similarity of MANY.

The masked "entity" is Tim, and not in any way supernatural. That, and Tim's been revealed to not be one of the villains. He saves the day in Entry #52. Only that the Kagutaba is the villain of Noroi, and Tim is an anti-hero and one of the victims.

Irrelevant. The point is that the design of the mask is an absolute rip-off of the mask in Noroi, not that one is the anti-hero and the other a villain.

Distortions and funky editing has been in the Slender Man Mythos from day one. So yes I can.

The problem here is not the idea, but the execution. Didn't you read that? The editing, style, sounds, and the way they intervene with what we are seeing on screen is exactly like the way they are used in Noroi. I've seen "supernatural messing with equipment" in MANY films, yet NONE of them has had the same style as Noroi, except for Marble Hornets. This is not a coincidence at all, it doesn't matter how much you love Marble Hornets.

Yes, there is a way around it. This is a common element in all of the Slender Man series.

No, this is not a common element. The visual effects used in those shots, the moment when the screen goes black, the editing, it is all NOROI. Never seen this exact execution in any other film, except for these two particular films.

And in a good amount of the other Slender Man mythos. It's actually based on Lovecraft. A character is compelled to keep writing because they're being devoured alive by an abomination of the old world.

Characters in Lovecraft's stories describe their experiences and their fall into madness thoroughly. I don't see how that is related to using sheets of paper, repeating the same message and symbols over and over again just trying to be creepy. This is not an element of Lovecraft's stories at all, but it is a common cliché in some horror movies, including Noroi of course. It's irrelevant if they are a "symptom blah blah", that doesn't make them less a cliche or less of a rip-off.

"That would because the Slender Man as a character is known to torment people at night when they're sleeping." "there are really only so many ways to shoot something like this"

Haven't you been paying attention to what you are replying to??? I've never said that the elements in the Slender Man mythos are a rip-off, I've said THE EXECUTION is a rip-off. The execution is the EXACT SAME as in Paranormal Activity. It has never been seen in any other film in history, Paranormal Activity was the first one to use this particular style of letting the camera film while its characters are sleeping for hours, while the audience is the only one aware of the weird shït that's happening. Marble Hornets just took what Paranormal Activity did because it was a good gimmick. There are other ways to shoot people while they sleep, if you feel cornered and you can't find another way you can't just rip-off what you've seen in other films. At least try to give it your own style, but don't be so shameless!

The creators admitted to this one, and they even said that was the point.

Just because they admitted it, that doesn't make it any less of a rip-off, especially when everything else is also an obvious rip-off. This only proves that the creators had been watching too much of Noroi, Paranormal Activity and The Blair Witch Project when they got their idea to make Marble Hornets.

Except, that's just what Slender Man does.

Right, Slender Man usually waits for the one with the camera to turn around, then he hits the guy off camera, then he makes the guy to silently fall down, then he lets the camera roll in a very specific position. Everything you've said so far is baseless and dumb, but this one is THE WORST! No one is talking about how "Slender Man" attacks, I'm talking about THE EXECUTION, the way it was shot and presented to the audience!!!! For gods sake!.

Your complaint only works if the other characters don't also call him in his recklessness in-story, and they have. His motivation is that he was posting unfinished footage of his friend's abandoned film project when he started seeing weird stuff in them. In case you failed to notice, and that wouldn't shock me, he spent most of the first 26 entries trying to figure out what happened so he could find his friend because he was concerned about him. Now he's just in too deep to back away even if he wanted to.

Seeing weird stuff is no motivation for anyone to start an investigation, unless you are directly affected by it. However, even IF we let this pass, it is still repetitive, and just plain bad writing the fact that the guy returns THREE times to the same house. Dumb, repetitive, unoriginal. The writers just didn't know what else to do to show some more failed scary scenes.

Everything you've lsited is either typical of the mythos, your opinion, or something the creators admitted to.

You haven't been paying attention. No one cares if the mythos is a rip-off. I'm not saying that! I'm saying the EXECUTION (the sound effects, visual effects, angles, perspective, composition, the way the story unfolds, etc) is a rip-off.

And you missed the point about the face creepily appearing in front of the camera NOROI style.

It is undeniable for anyone with common sense or critical thinking that Marble Hornets is a blatant rip-off of Noroi, The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity. You can try to rationalize it however you want, but the similarities are too many. In fact, every single "Entry" is copying from these very specific films.



Backpeddling? I'm not the writer dumbäss, I'm not the one who decided to rip-off these films, so I'm not the one who should come up with original ideas. You have no common sense or critical thinking. As a fanboy, you lack those things. In fact, I KNOW you know I'm right, but it's okay, I knew you weren't going to accept it. You didn't give any valid argument at all. Your only argument seems to be "there's no other way to do it", YES THERE ARE OTHER WAYS, and I'm not the one who should come up with them. THIS IS NOT MY PROJECT. This is not opinion, it is a FACT, you can deal with it in whatever way you desire.



Yep, you don't have a valid argument and how can these be little things? Scene by scene, everything in here is directly taken from specific moments in specific films. These may be little things, but they are too many to go unnoticed. I don't believe you are a fanboy. You are probably a friend of the creators. You can deal with this fact, or don't.



Then go post somewhere else. Simple as that. This is not your thread, your board, your webpage, so you can go somewhere else. I suggest you do a fan webpage or something, because this is not it, but you don't seem to be aware of that.






Nothing. I never meant to change your opinion. I meant to express mine. You can just go away now if you have nothing else to say.



Oh, so now I know what's the problem with you. When you stated that "nobody is ever satisfied with someone else still disagreeing with them", you expressed your own dissatisfaction with disagreement, and your inability to accept other's opinions. I don't want you to agree with me in everything. Opinions are not homogeneous. Just because you feel that way it doesn't mean that everyone feels the same need to make people agree with them.



Lol, priceless. Again, not accepting when you lost a debate. Sad.



Does that even mean anything? Stop embarassing yourself please.



American "harrd" workers? This mexican is more educated and smarter than you, and I also seem to speak your own language better than you. Racist prick. When you don't know how else to defend your invalid points you start showing your true racist colors. How fun.



So, this is it, right? You are in fact a racist inbred redneck, you lack education and that's why you can't seem to defend your own incorrect points. It figures. I'm reporting your racist posts btw.



Nope. I'm fine showing everyone in here. People should know what they will see before they see it, so they're prepared to waste their time.



Oh, I also reported you for spamming btw :)



Nope. I'll keep posting here, thank you.



The truth. Nothing, but the truth about how this rip-off lacks originality and quality in all regards.



I could be sympathetic and tell you that I love that quote and blah blah, but since you started with your racist insults, I don't feel sympathy for you.



Yep, keep telling yourself that, pal.



You should know. You are the one with complete disregard for reality.






And that's another wrong notion of yours. IMDB is not a fanboard. Not only fans are allowed to post in here. You have your own opinion about the movies/series you dislike.



Goddammit. I've already told you. I just wanted to state my opinion, I've already done so, but the only reason why I keep coming back is because you keep replying. If you don't care to engage in a discussion with me then don't do it. Just put me on ignore or something, but I do love discussing the things I like and dislike. As long as you keep replying, I'll keep coming back.


Not sure if entire thread is bizarre, convoluted addition to ARG aspect of MarbleHornets or...


This whole thread was just a pointless discussion (I'd even say fight) between a fanboy (who's probably involved with the production) and, me (if you want to call me a hater, then go ahead). I just wanted to state that I saw lots of OBVIOUS similarities between Marble Hornets and Paranormal Activity/The Blair Witch Project/Noroi. There are lots of scenes in Marble Hornets that are directly taken from those three specific movies. Feel free to disagree.

If you like Marble Hornets then keep on enjoying it :)


I would disagree, but I saw what happened to the last guy who tried... :P


Really? You have actually seen the 4 films in question and you disagree that the elements I mentioned are just too similar to be a coincidence? Well, maybe you are right and I'm wrong, I don't know. For me it was absolutely obvious that Marble Hornets took inspiration (or maybe just plain stole) from those three movies, but everyone has an opinion I guess.




Marble Hornets is original in the usage of you-tube and twitter accounts. Blair witch and paranormal ( I haven't seen the other film you mentioned) is as you've said "found footage". Marble Hornets clearly got influenced by other films such as Blair witch and even games like Myst, but instead of using the same old tired "found footage" angle, they made it possible through they technology of today that for all we know this could really be going on right now. First time you watched Blair witch, whether you knew it was real or not, you knew how it was going to end because it's "found footage". However, with Marble Hornets this isn't supposed to be "found footage". You are supposed to imagine this is a real person, named Jay, uploading these videos and tweets a day or two after they happen. To me it makes it feel more real, and I think it's one of the most creative forms of horror I've ever seen.

I hate people, but love gatherings. Isn't it ironic?


You are a worthless idiot.


I'm sorry if you don't have a wide enough frame of reference to know when something is a rip-off, but I do and I know it is a rip-off.



Maybe you haven't noticed, but whenever someone replies to your post a notification is sent to your email. You can turn this feature on or off somewhere in your account, so once again you fail. In any case, the one who receives the notification is the one who's being replied to, and since you weren't being replied to, YOU are the one who's just cheking on these boards just to piss someone off if he disagrees with your ignorant views.

You couldn't defend your stance before and you won't be able to defend it now, so please don't even try again. I gave you TONS of very specific examples of why this POS is a rip-off and what was your excuse? "They admited to have copied that" "There's no other way of doing that" "If the VIEWERS can't think of a better way to do it, then don't complain". All lame excuses that are not used even by the most ignorant moviegoers.




I gave you a list of very specific things that couldn't have been thought up by the filmmakers of Marble Hornets if they hadn't seen three very specific movies before. That's enough for anyone with critical thinking to draw the conclusion that these three particular movies were an obvious influence to them. And I find it funny that you are still coming up with your racist remarks. This is a mexican, who is much more educated than you and who just kicked your ass again in this discussion. How does that feel? This inferior mexican (according to your racist remarks) is much more educated than your ignorant and pathetic american self. Just accept it, you are butthurt because I pointed out the reasons why YOUR movie is an awful rip off (yes, it is OBVIOUS that you are either one of the makers or one of their friends, because no one would be defending this garbage if he wasn't involved with the project somehow).

I'm not an ignorant. I've taken more art classes than your stupid american self will ever take in his life. And how did you figure I'm the one stalking you? Weren't you the one who found out about my nationality because you were stalking me in my other posts? You were the one looking through my post history in the first place you fücking racist hypocrite.

And how about this:

"Born: Fort Madison, Iowa, but raised in Illinois.

Family: My mom, dad, and all my remaining siblings: my younger sister, my younger brother, and my two older brothers.

Oldest Older Borther: RIP: KIA in Iraq (1974-2003)"

Lol and you LOVE saying that we mexicans reproduce like cockroaches or something among those lines. I only have one sister; you hillbillies have a full regiment there.

So, other than putting it on a tripod, how else were they supposed to show that?

I have an idea. Lets make a movie! Then, lets ask people around if they have good ideas about how to shoot it. If they don't come up with something good, lets just rip off the hell of other good movies! That's exactly what you are saying. You are telling me that the fact that I'm not the writer (and thus I don't really have to come up with the ideas for YOUR videos) is enough to excuse their lack of originality. I stand by what I said: If the filmmakers can't do it without ripping off other movies, then don't do it, but don't ask the viewers to write your own film.

You insisted that the masked man was a rip-off despite playing a very different role from the counterpart you mentioned.

I guess americans just can't read or write in their own effing language. Funny how a mexican is more educated than you in your own culture. I NEVER said that the masked man is a rip off; I said that the MASK DESIGN is a rip off. Read properly next time you reply, please.




I think the fact that you can't read in your own language is making you miss my very specific and objective points, so I'll just post them again:

The found footage style: Okay, I agree that by now this tiresome trend is everywhere, especially in horror films. However, the difference in the usage of this gimmick in good films lies in its execution. Blair Witch Project didn't do it first, but it popularized the idea. It was simple, yet creative. The whole film was allegedly some found footage with low video quality, taped with handheld cameras. Paranormal Activity took another approach and used static videocameras that were set throughout the house. Noroi set itself apart by using the idea that the footage was the work of a researcher who taped different, seemingly unrelated events, that turned out to be related after all. Marble Hornets didn't do ANYTHING different from these three films. In fact it did the exact same, it just combined the three angles. I'd say it's very obvious what kinds of films the creators were watching before starting their project, but I'll delve more in this in the next points.

- The way in which seeminly unrelated incidents are presented, and then we start seeing the pattern in them is directly taken from Noroi. The only difference is that Noroi deals with the Kagutaba and Marble Hornets with the Slender Man. You could say that Noroi is not the only film that has done this before, but it is certainly the only "found footage style" film that has done it before Marble Hornets.

- The mask of the entity that follows the guy around and runs into the camera and whatnot has a very suspicious resemblance to the mask of the Kagutaba in Noroi. Their likeness is too much to be just a coincidence, especially considering that this is not the only similarity between the two films. Even though you'll still say I'm wrong, just take a look for yourself.

http://icecreamsoda4.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/vlcsnap-2010-03-24-17 h08m41s139.png

- The editing is awfully similar to Noroi. Have you seen Noroi? Have you noticed the sudden cuts between each videoclip, and how a small "narration" follows explaining what was the important things about each clip? Well, if you haven't, let me tell you they are almost the exact same. If you have, then there's no way that you will disagree with me, unless you never notice how a film is edited.

- The scary distortion and sound effects are too similar to the effects heard/seen in Noroi. If the only similar thing between the two movies had been these effects, I would not have even noticed, but since it is just one more similarity of many, it is bothersome.

- The distortion effects followed by the creepy face in front of the camera is absolutely directly taken from Noroi too. The first of these ocurrances appear in Entry #22 I think.

- The creepy way in which we see distorted glimpses of the Slender Man, such as the ending of Entry #29 is, again, directly taken from NOROI. There's just no way around it. Creepy things have appeared distorted in other movies I guess, but with this exact execution? Shot in a handheld camera, with the shot being distorted while it catches a glimpse of the entity and then suddenly turning to black? Nope, that execution was typical and almost exclusive to Noroi.

- That scene where the guy knocks on the girl's door to ask her about some weird noises coming from her room, and then the way she refutes that anything was heard in there is also seen in Noroi, shot almost in the exact same way.

- The numerous sheets of paper with weird (supposedly creepy) messages and symbols are also seen, guess where? Yep, in NOROI. In case you are wondering what I'm talking about, they start appearing in Entry #8. They are such a cliché! They are not seen only in Noroi, but in The Mothman Prophecies, The Ring, and other films too. Come on Marble Hornets! Do something different already! Besides, the way in which the messages are written in the sheet of paper looks soooo damn forced! It's like the letters are desperately trying to be creepy.

- When they start putting the camera in specific locations throughout the house, and the audience notices weird shït happening while the protagonist is sleeping, is such a Paranormal Activity moment. This starts being noticeable in Entry #14, then by Entry #24 the whole thing seems like a fanmade homage to Paranormal Activity.

- The way in which the guy disappears from his bed, and the cam stops shooting him for hours and then he just comes back with no memory of this ever happening is, again, a PARANORMAL ACTIVITY moment. No way around it. I'm aware that the legend of the Slender Man supposedly says that it kind of hypnotizes you, but the execution of these scenes is the exact same as in Paranormal Activity. I believe this starts on Entry #19.

- The Slender Man doll. Where else have we seen this type of physical manifestations? Well, The Blair Witch Project comes to mind. Not any other film, but THE BLAIR WITCH, the precursor to this type of films.

- Remember that scene in Entry #22 where the guy with the camera just kind of gets hit by something off camera, then he silently falls to the ground and the next shot is of the camera on the ground and the guy is never heard of again? Well, that's also the ending of The Blair Witch Project.

You did absolutely nothing of the sort.

As I said, anyone who's using critical thinking would've noticed, but since you are a friend of the makers (probably one of them), you lack critical thinking.

I'll tell you when I meet one. I've already apologized for the racist remarks, and I'm not doing it again. You're the only one flinging out racist remarks at this point.
It was wrong of me to throw out racist comments about Mexico, but I am not sorry about anything I've flung your way. I am not not ignorant or pathetic, and you are not more educated.

You are the one who is still bringing my nationality into the conversation. It is irrelevant if you have apologized, you have already said what you think about mexicans. The fact that you still believe that it is OKAY to be a racist when someone disagrees with you speaks volumes of your american education. I've met a few nice americans in my time, but people like you disgust me and you are the reason why everyone hate americans.

I don't have to accept anything, because you pointed out nothing, and I've already shown you how I am not involved with the production, and I do not know anyone involved. The production of Marble Hornets is in Alabama! Far, far from where I live.

You've shown nothing. Just because you say the production is in Alabama and allegedly you are currently living where you were raised, that doesn't mean nothing.

Prove it, and you are ignorant.

The fact that you think that the audience should write your script for you if you can't do it better is proof enough of your stupidity.

Actually, I just happened across it. You, on the other hand, are stalking me.

About family: so you say, hillbilly. And I never said anything about you reproducing like cockroaches.

No, you didn't happen to come across it, you were checking my post history and that's it. You are the one stalking. You are a racist hypocrite:

- First you throw your racist remarks around, but then you cry when I say something bad about your half-assed american education.
- Then you say you are not a racist, but people who are different from you deserve your hate speech if they disagree with you.
- Then you say this board has been dead for a while, and I'm just checking on it because Mexico is boring, all while ignoring the fact that an e-mail notification was sent to ME (that's why I knew someone replied to me), not YOU. So YOU are the pathetic loser who's still checking if someone comment on these boards.
- Then you cry again about my remarks about americans, but you keep forgetting that I said those AFTER you started talking shït about Mexico AGAIN.

You are a racist and a hypocrite.

Here's the thing: Slender Man stalks people. He enters their homes at night, he watches them sleep, and he often abducts them from their beds. I couldn't number all the vlogs and blogs that have someone being taken from their bed, and often waking up somewhere else than where they went to sleep. If not him, then one of his cultist followers. It's what he does. It's a part of the mythos.
The point is that once Slender Man has begun stalking, nowhere is safe. Not home, not an apartment on the third floor you moved to, and definitely not the streets. THEY HAD TO SHOW THAT JAY WASN'T SAFE AT HOME, SOMEHOW.

Again with the mythos thing.... for God's sake... I'm not complaining about the way the stalking thing, I've said numerous times: it's the EXECUTION what makes it a rip-off! Not the story per se.


What did I tell you? Whenever you feel cornered you just stop replying. You started making up stuff that I didn't say. Denying the things that are OBVIOUS. Continue saying ignorant and racist things against me and my family and then you put me on ignore. I'm glad you finally did, but that won't stop me from posting in this board. People must know how awful this "thing" is.


So um... I'm not going to bother reading through the flame war. But I would like to engage you in discussion on this, Goondocks. Just a few things I'd like to point out:
1) Mockumentary, especially in the context of horror, is a well-established sub-genre. There are a fantastic number of movies that use a hand-held camera or a "found footage" trope. In fact, there's even a wikipedia page for "Found Footage (genre)." The concept is certainly not original to Paranormal Activity, Noroi, or even the Blair Witch Project (though they certainly popularized it). Regardless, how do you consider it logically fair to single out this specific serial as a "rip off" for this attribute?
2) Continuing on the "found footage" bit, have you seen the Something Aweful thread where the "Slenderman" character and subsequent content associated with it was created? The post was a "create paranormal content" thread; the criteria was to be seemingly "authentic"; the script of the "Introduction" and subsequent first few entries can be found posted in this thread as a submission. By following the guidelines of this notion, is it fair to fault them for their choice of "found footage", when it was unnacceptable to be a blatant work of fiction? (As an aside, I suspect it was probably started as more of a one-off than any ambition for what it has become; I believe creator Troy Wagner has stated that they intended to originally end the series rather early but were encouraged to continue due to the popularity)
3) I don't think Tim's mask and the mask from "Noroi" look similar. At all. I suppose my perspective, as you have yours. To illustrate your point, could you compare and contrast the two, rather than simply say "X rips off Y. It's obvious". It's not to me; they are different colors, have different facial structures, and different defining features (the horn vs. the drawn eyebrows, eyes, and lips). Dually, I think the masks serve different purposes in both works, which drives an even sharper contrast between them; the mask is pivotal to the plot of Noroi, Tim's mask is not pivotal to Marble Hornets.
4)The presentation of Marble Hornets and Noroi strikes me as drastically different. Marble Hornets makes use of silent interludes; I recall Noroi used background music and voice overs.
5) Marble Hornets began production before Paranormal Activity was released widely (July vs. October). Granted, it was screened as early as 2007 at select film festivals, but really, what are the odds that the two creators, both full-time college students, saw it?
6) It seems like you confuse homage and plagarism. Drawing influence from previous works is not shameful or disrespectful; it's celebratory and praising. After all, isn't mimicry the sincerest form of flattery? Imagine if Harrison Ford never tried to invoke Humphrey Bogart's tough guy swagger; what would we have? Originality is what we make of it... but really, isn't calling a series who's core concept is based off of a open-source monster invented by a guy on the internet a little... well, redundant?
7) I don't think there's a string of unconnected events at any point. The plot is rather straight forward, if somewhat chronologically scattered.

Just my two cents. By all means, respond. I actually enjoy Marble Hornets quite a bit; I think it establishes atmosphere and mood remarkably well, and I think it's great how it plays off of basic human fears such as loss of control and vulnerability. It's nothing new, no, but to be fair, neither was Noroi.




1) I know all of this. I know it is a well-established sub-genre. I believe I did clarify in my OP that I know this "found footage" trend is pretty common, but what makes a good film stand out in this sub-genre, for me at least, is its execution. It simply bothered me that I found the execution of this project to be pretty much a combination of three of my favorite movies. I normally don't like tearing apart independent projects such as this, but it did bother me that the similarities were just too many for me to consider it a homage or coincidences.

2) There's nothing wrong with choosing this particular sub-genre as the medium to tell your story, I just think they could've done something to stand out. Something that I hadn't seen before in these three very popular movies.

3) I think what makes them look so much a like for me is the fact that they both have eyes that are considerably out of proportion, a big forehead, similar cheeks and jaw features. Just take a look at these three pictures:
http://asianflixs.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/noroi.jpg?w=294&h=55 6&h=389
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sAgO15986lo/TOarbEskz4I/AAAAAAAABX4/QggjHwPA QkI/s1600/Noroi_Kana.jpg
http://icecreamsoda4.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/vlcsnap-2010-03-24-17 h08m41s139.png

If I hadn't found other things that reminded me so much of Noroi, I wouldn't have thought the masks were so similar, but for me this is just one more similarity upon many. I don't think it was just a coincidence that the masks look alike and I do believe they look alike, especially in the girl's drawing.

4) Noroi doesn't use voiceovers; it uses texts too, and I do believe the written texts in Marble Hornets were serving the exact same purpose as the texts in Noroi.


"The strange sound was recorded on tape"
"A few days later Osawa disappeared"
"Kobayashi looked for Kana according to the map of Mitsuo Hori"
"Unused footage of a TV variety show taped on November 23"

Marble Hornets
"The audio has been removed. Either the microphone was disabled at the time, or it was taken out afterwards"
"I found another tape containing strange footage and no audio track"
"I've concluded 'At the Tower' may be referring to the red structure seen in Entry #5" (then cut to that part of the footage in Entry #5, something that happens a lot in Noroi) "This is the only solid lead right now, so I've decided to go there soon".

Besides one being written mostly in first person, I really don't see any difference between the two styles at all. The texts in both movies serve the exact same purpose and this, for me, is one more similarity of MANY. I mean, if it was only this, then I would say "cool, it used the same style from Noroi", but this is just one more for me.

I've really NEVER seen this narrative style in any other film of this sub-genre except for Noroi.

About the music. Noroi's use of music isn't really prominent and it's not so much music as it is creepy noise, but I don't really think this is a similarity that is shared by Marble Hornets, so in that regard I agree with you.

5) Paranormal Activity had a very limited release in 2007, true, but by 2009 everyone had already seen it (which was the year of its nationwide release), and Marble Hornet's entry #24, which is the one where I said that it started looking like a Paranormal Activity fanmade homage, was uploaded on 2010 according to their youtube channel. I really don't see how they could've shot these sequences since 2007 and it seems almost impossible for me that this is just a coincidence.

6) The difference between homage and plagiarism for me is how much of other works you use. I simply don't see almost anything different in the way Marble Hornets was shot from the way Paranormal Activity, Noroi and The Blair Witch Project were shot. And I mean it in a very literal way, ALMOST ANYTHING.

7) I think at the beginning of Marble Hornets, it follows the same structure as Noroi. The protagonist of Marble Hornets finds lots of footage from his lost friend and for the first 20 entries or so (maybe less) it seems like the videos have no real relation to one another, until the protagonist starts connecting the dots and finding patterns. It is not really that straight forward until the protagonist actually starts researching and not just showing the videos.

And I absolutely disagree that Noroi wasn't something new. If you mean it just by the "found footage" style, then I agree, but can you point me to a film that has the same narrative structure (except for Marble Hornets)?

The reason why I started fighting with the other user is because he is a racist a*hole who made fun of my nationality in other posts of his.

*EDIT: I noticed the links aren't working for some reason (at least for me) but just google "Noroi", "Noroi Kana's drawing" and "Marble Hornets mask".


Just rewatched Noroi last night.
I feel it is fair to point out that the base mask for Marble Hornets can be bought at a craft store and is unaltered (I was Masky for Halloween; proportions are completely intact other than the added sharpie).

To be perfectly honest, Noroi just felt like a found-footage take on Ringu or Ju-on. I'm willing to give that Marble Hornets could be considered a western take on a j-horror style plot, but is that really such a crime?


Nah, not a crime at all. Maybe after reading so much about Marble Hornets in other threads I was just expecting too much. I believe my expectations played a big part in my disappointment and my take on the whole project. I'll probably watch it again later now that I know what I know about it. I'll try to see it with a more open mind.



Damn, you must be really important if you feel the need to announce to someone when you put them on ignore.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


Nah, not a crime at all. Maybe after reading so much about Marble Hornets in other threads I was just expecting too much. I believe my expectations played a big part in my disappointment and my take on the whole project. I'll probably watch it again later now that I know what I know about it. I'll try to see it with a more open mind.

It would be much easier to take your points seriously if you referenced anything before 1999. The Blair Witch Project is *not* the first found-footage indie film. The Last Broadcast came out the year before. People have argued for years who filmed first, who got the idea first, etc., but the fact remains that The Last Broadcast was completed and put out first. I'm also surprised that don't seem to have ever heard of Cannibal Holocaust.

On top of this, TBWP is a spoof of old-style paranormal documentaries--hence all the shaky-cam footage (of which, as I recall, Romero used to be exceedingly fond, especially in Night of the Living Dead). So is TLB, which even states it's a public access channel documentary about a group of would-be documentary makers who disappeared in the Pine Barrens, leaving behind a mess of footage. So, it's a documentary within a documentary within a film (which actually makes the anger of some about the weird ending that much more amusing).

The bottom line is that none of these films came up with the things you're accusing Marble Hornets of ripping off from them. So, how can it have ripped them off if what they were using wasn't original in the first place? You can't, for example, accuse Marble Hornets of ripping off the mask idea from Noroi when Noroi could easily have got that idea from V or Scream or Les yeux sans visage or Black Sunday, to name only a few horror/sci-fi films involving similar masks.

And do you really think dolls are new to film? Really? Haven't you watched a single film that revolves around voodoo? Or the Puppetmaster series?

I agree with WeirdRaptor that this is clearly based on the Lovecraft Mythos (by way of The X-Files, too). One of the columnists in our Mythos zine even referred to the Slender Man as a version of Nyarlathotep. Marble Hornets fits in very well with Lovecraft's ideas of knowledge being dangerous, an impersonally deadly universe, and how looking too deeply into things either driving you or getting you killed or both.

At any rate, I think you're missing two elements that are very original to Marble Hornets. One is the idea that there is always something to look for in the footage. It may be just context. It may be something more important like a Slender Man sighting when no one saw him at the time (One of my favourite segments is the one where they're filming someone talking in front of a window and the Slender Man is standing outside for part of the video, which they don't remember and the video is also partially destroyed). It may be more information supplied about who's missing or about the Slender Man. But there's always something, so that you have to watch all the segments to "get" what's going on.

The other is that the story is being told in such a way that anybody can join in and add to the urban legend, a bit like the Tulpa in Supernatural. Group storytelling is not new. The novel Frankenstein came out of one such experiment. Lovecraft and his friends engaged in it all the time (which is one reason why it's totally legal to play in his Mythos). Freakylinks tried to do it as a TV show the year after TBWP came out. I've even heard of people doing a fanfic project for a spy show that was never filmed. But this is new in that these guys are putting up videos, deliberately creating a coherent urban legend, and people are creating multimedia responses like Wiki-style pages and videos of their own, and the best part is that it's all canon. It all adds to the story in an equal way. *That's* new. It's also very Lovecraftian.

I bet that if the CW show, Cult, takes off, something similar might occur with it.

Innsmouth Free Press http://www.innsmouthfreepress.com


Oh for fücks sake. I've addressed all of those points in other posts, including the "found footage before Blair Witch" thing. Also, a point I've addressed many MANY times is that I'm not saying the mythos or the story itself of MH is a rip-off. God damn it, how about you people actually read what you are replying to?

I think you are using the same tactic Raptor was using. You are distorting what I actually said, making up rationalizations and putting words in my mouth. A good example is what you said about the doll. I NEVER said that dolls are supposed to be exclusive to The Blair Witch. I said, and even Raptor agreed with me on this one, that the doll that was used in MH was placed there for the exact same purpose as the wood doll in The Blair Witch. Just another small example of things MH took from these three films I pointed out. One more example among MANY.

I'm pretty sure Raptor guy will come around soon, because he is part of the production of MH and he stalks this board.


I think you are using the same tactic Raptor was using. You are distorting what I actually said, making up rationalizations and putting words in my mouth

Or maybe you're not communicating what you think you're communicating, on top of having some very monomaniacal tendencies. Writing is communication. If people don't get what you're saying, then you need to improve your communication skills. Or up the meds.

And you don't know Lovecraft, Mythos or any other type of horror nearly as well as you think you do. The most hilarious part of it is that you keep going on and on about how the show is derivative, without understanding that cultural phenomena hardly grow up out of nowhere. So, it makes perfect sense that the filmmakers within the series would use techniques they'd seen in other films, or that they would cast what they experience in terms of what horror they had seen before. They're 21st century humans not Mi-Go from Pluto. They'll have seen horror movies before.

That doesn't make the show a pale imitation of something you happen to like better, any more than a vampire film where people try wooden stakes on the monster is derivative just because they got the legend from movies instead of their Transylvanian grandmother.

I agree with Raptor that you're extremely hostile toward this show for some reason. I'm guessing that reason is jealousy. The webseries is very well-done and a lot of people appreciate it. From the rambling way you've tried to beat it down here, you don't seem up for creating that level of work. So, you attack it, instead.

It amuses me that the Marble Hornets mythos has been set up in such a way that your trolling only adds to the mystique. Figures that I'd visit the show's IMDB board to see if anybody else here had heard of it, only to find it already had a resident sub-bridge dweller.

I'm pretty sure Raptor guy will come around soon, because he is part of the production of MH and he stalks this board.

See, now I know that you're a flat-out liar because--guess what? I read the thread! So, I know for a fact that you repeatedly accused Raptor of working for the production, and that Raptor told you repeatedly that he doesn't work for the production and doesn't live anywhere near where it's filmed.

So, who do you think I'm going to believe, hmm? You or Raptor?

Not to mention, this is IMDB. Lots of people from film and TV productions visit their boards. That's 'cause it's an industry site. So, I don't see what would be so horrible about somebody from the show coming here.

Innsmouth Free Press http://www.innsmouthfreepress.com


I'm guessing that reason is jealousy.
Ah, yes, the "UR JUST JELOUS!!!11" defense; an old classic. I guess some conventions on IMDb never change.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


I guess some conventions on IMDb never change.

Like the obsessive need some pathetic losers have to troll boards of films and shows they profess to hate. Or be bored by. God forbid you just speak your piece and go off to some more active board of a series you actually like--oh, no. That would be too hard.

Innsmouth Free Press http://www.innsmouthfreepress.com


Your explicit bitterness says everything.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"



Wow, man. You're like the 10-year-old who occasionally hangs his head out of his third-story apartment window to shout insults at the kids below before quickly ducking back inside like a wimp. It's a classic sign of abusing pseudo-power to cope with an inferiority complex. You need therapy.

You don't know me, you don't know my values, and you don't know my motives, despite what the guy who stalked me from The Thing message board probably told you. Oh, and for the record, I respect Slender Man as a pop culture icon, just not the obsessive kids who take him way too seriously (e.g. people like you saying he has a "mythos," which he patently does not). It's like if someone tried to say Candle Jack had a--



Good one. It's funny because you cannot reply to someone while ignoring them. I'm glad this is your outlet, though, instead of mutilating neighborhood pets as those of your ilk tend to do.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"



Stick your fingers in your ears and go "lalala" all you want, child. The fact that others can view the conversation in full and laugh at your puerile shenanigans (re: returning to this thread solely to tell me I'm ignored, which defeats the whole purpose of ignoring me) makes replying to you totally worth it.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"



Well, you can't prove it didn't happen. Therefore it did.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"



Everyone else can read what I'm saying, which is why I continue. By the way, thanks for repeatedly coming back to respond to me even though I'm on ignore. Now that's dedication (and/or affection)!

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"



All those r's gave me a hard-on.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"



You're dumb.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"



Pot, kettle, black, etc.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"



Penultimate word!

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"



Pot, kettle, black, etc.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"



Wow, thank you to all of you for this exciting 3/4 year long argument. It has been truly enjoyable to read all of this. It is threads like this that make me love the internet. All I have to do is grab a bowl of popcorn and scroll and *BOOM* it's better than going to the movies hahaha


Sounds to me like you might as well be saying Godfather is a rip=off of previous mafia movies. The story/dialogue/acting is pretty different from your examples of the movies Marble Hornets is ripping off. So how do you define a rip-off? Just effects and audio? If that's the most important thing to you in film then why bother straying away from a micheal bay flick? Shouldn't the story and dialogue matter pretty significantly? How are they ripping off anything else in those regards? Name another piece of film that has the story imersed in the idea that this is taking place right now?

I hate people, but love gatherings. Isn't it ironic?


I got bored to death...


Hey man can say that no one knows what norio is



That's quite a lot of similarities. But I definitely think those who enjoy it so much may not have ever even HEARD of Noroi. You, having seen the film with noting that many similarities would have a hard time enjoying watching Marble Hornets I think, but those who haven't yet, or do not plan to shouldn't be denied their right to enjoy it.

I think that while it is such a great deal amount of inspiration they took from the film, this is also a web-based Youtube series and not a Hollywood production. Had it been funded initially and created with the intent of getting money then I think the anger and frustration would make sense. But instead it's just some guys having fun with film and uploading it onto the internet to scare viewers.

I don't see the problem in Marble Hornets unless you
A: are a fan of Noroi and have seen the film first
B: It didn't start out as just a fun project


I doubt you would want to comeback to this thread with it being a year and two months old but after reading it I felt compelled to say something. It is true that some of the aspects of marble hornets are similar to other movies but your point might be off slightly. There is this great web series that further explains why some of the stuff you typed can be looked at differently. It was called "Everything is a Remix" and it talked about some of the similarities that you have pointed out in this thread.

Link: http://www.everythingisaremix.info/watch-the-series/
