Cast members

I heard Kim Kardashian is in the movie. I don't see her name under the list of cast members. does anyone know if this is true?


She is not in this movie. She is in Tyler Perry's next movie The Marriage Counselor.


I think you may need to be black to be in this film! :o


yeah that's why Rebecca Romijn and Eddie Cibrian are in it....


Omg are sooo right. I was actually shocked to see a couple of white people in this movie. Gee...and you wonder why racism still exists? I find blacks to be far more prejudiced than whites. I was never prejudiced, but after experiencing the prejudices of most of the blacks I encounter, unfortunately I am slowly starting to have thoughts about blacks that never entered my mind in the past.


I say the same thing every time I go to the movies and only see a few black people in a movie. It works both ways you know. The only reason there is a Tyler Perry making predominately black movies is because black actors and directors want to work, too. I'm glad they're not just sitting around waiting for the powers that be in Hollywood to be included. Oh, and about your thoughts about black people -well, we're people, good and bad, just like everybody else. I don't know what's entering your mind, but that's your problem.


Thank you for speaking up Levjones. People are entitled to their opinions but I found the previous comments were borderline racist. The posters also make sweeping generalizations about a race of people based on a few bad experiences. I'm white and I've met plenty of unpleasant white people-should I assume then that most other white people are nasty? I'm puzzled by the logic. I'm not a huge Tyler Perry Fan - I thought this movie was a nice way to spend a few hours on a rainy day, but I respect what he has done with his career.
"Gentlemen you can't fight in here!" "This is the war room!" Dr. Strangelove
