MovieChat Forums > Good Deeds (2012) Discussion > I love Tyler Perry but...

I love Tyler Perry but...

I feel like his heart is in the right place, but I think the problem is he goes for quantity over quality. His movies get marginally better and then worse. They would be 100% better if he did SOME research, and stopped trying to be so PG and cliche. When does CPS just come to your work and take your child in the lobby because they heard you were homeless? When does the IRS take almost all of your check for 6 months? You have to have money to owe that much, and if she's working, they should be withholding taxes. When does your husband die in the military and you don't have 2 nickels to rub together? He also doesn't fill in many blanks, explaining things like, why is the mom angry at everyone for no reason? Why isn't she paying rent if she's working? If she's homeless, where is all the money going from this full time job? Why were there no other parking spots in the parking garage where he or Lindsay could have parked? I have similar issues with every one of his movies. So annoying.

It weakens us to not give our enemies the respect they deserve...


Yea your right, those types of things are usually wrong in films but your right on his missing gaps. What stands out to me is the writing was typical and the song in the end was horrible. He's shown to be good on the director side but in this his writing needed a boost. I did like it but Tyler Perry needs to focus on other things so he can be great.


I'm not entirely committed to this position, but I THINK I would rather you get it wrong than just not explain it. It's pretty easy to get it right with MINIMAL research though. I mean, if you're writing a role of a lawyer, talk to ONE lawyer. If you're writing for a doctor, talk to ONE doctor. If you're writing for a military widow talk to ONE military widow... a lot of times his movies feel like he wrote them in his house and just went off the original draft without talking to anyone, using only his personal idea of what a character should be without input from anyone else. I secretly wish I was his consultant lol

It weakens us to not give our enemies the respect they deserve...


Yes because if the little girl's dad died while in the military, the very least the girl would receive social security because of him. If they were married, the mom would have received insurance and social security. That part defiantly irritated me.


It bothered me that Lyndsey and Ariel both had passports to go overseas the next day even though they were broke...not plausible.
