Wow really?

This movie was..idk... I just don't know. While funny or at least chuckle worthy at parts it just wasn't funny overall. It was borderline stupid.... Like the cliche "Closet gay" that could only make subtle hints throughout then deny it. Or the idiotic part where instead of winning the tourney and giving the "GF" his portion, Andy drags his friends through the mud and throws it for them.

OHHHHHH and not to mention after throwing the game and saying he was in love Andy and Rickie don't even end up together?????? He's for some odd and unknown reason with the old bag....What in gods green earth was the director thinking when he summed this crap up?

This movie just cashed in on every cliched 90's comedy ever made and did it very poorly.


totally agree.
the ending killed this movie for me.
up until then i thought it was quite funny.


I thought the movie was bad although it had some moments at first. The first half before the tournament was alright. Then they arrived and it lost all steam except for the scenes with Ricky and Andy. That was sort of the only real grounded thing and it kind of rang true. But the worst thing was that the movie doesn't compromise with a potential relationship and throws it all away in the end. By far the worst thing of the movie. Andy throws away the game for her and after all that build up with a relationship (and no conflict to show anything had changed), the directors throws it all away so he can make some terrible joke in the end. And the worst thing by far in the movie were those tags. Besides Ricky's one, they were all TERRIBLE. But the worst thing is the director/writer throws the only thing he had done well in the movie, just so he can make a total lame joke that came out of left field and made no sense. It change the movie from bad to terribly offensive in one move.
