Roy Anderson doesnt like Bergman

He said in an interview on norwegian television that he dislikes Fanny and Alexander and doesnt find really find him talented on a whole. Really interesting seeing as they tend to explore similar themes, though anderson has a much more surreal and comedic approach.


Not very surprising, as Ingemar Bergman commented after having been to a viewing of Andersson's movie Giliap (1975) that "Roy Andersson should stop makig movies". It must have hurt him really bad, especially since Andersson in his early carreer freqently was compared to Bergman and by some called a "slapstick version of Ingemar Bergman" (your interpretation was right on the spot!).

I think that Bergman hated the fact that ANY director was compared to him, he had a really strange psyche...

By the way, being Swedish; I don't like most of Bergmans work either, with the EXCEPTION for Fanny and Alexander, hahaha! 😃




Bergman had a very high opinion of himself, not a lot of time for anybody else.


Bergman like to talk smack about other filmmakers. He felt Citizen Kane was overrated, and he despised Godard. He didn't think much of Antonioni either (ironic, as they died on the same day).

Bergman was great (and I did like Fanny and Alexander), but I love Andersson's work as well.


Interesting. Not arguing with you, but was wondering what you thought of his comments regarding Antonioni during this interview, though it was just a short clip:


I like what Bergman said about up and coming directors. They're talented, but have little or nothing to say. I feel that way too. There are a lot of filmmakers today who really have little to actually say. There are some with something to say (PT Anderson, Malick, Haneke, Roy Andersson), but not that many.

Here's a quote from Bergman on Antonioni.

“Fellini, Kurosawa, and Bunuel move in the same field as Tarkovsky. Antonioni was on his way, but expired, suffocated by his own tediousness.”

It's from this link.

There were times Ingmar talked smack about Antonioni (like the above quote), but he obviously didn't hate him that much if he dug La Notte and Blow Up (which are both great movies). I had read somewhere that Ingmar really liked La Notte before I saw that youtube clip you posted.

Maybe a little professional jealousy on Bergman's part, then a grudging respect? Who knows?


As much as I agree with Bergman on these statements, I still dislike his movies... including Fanny and Alexander.


You can read one of Anderssons comments about Bergman here:

Roy Andersson slams Ingmar Bergman as "boring hack" 988605



Andersson is behaving like an adolescent troll when calling Bergman a "boring hack". But I agree with what Lars von Trier said in the documentary "Trespassing Bergman" (2013), that "Fanny och Alexander" is a comparatively weak film in Bergman's oeuvre, retreading the same themes that he had done much better in his earlier work, only adding Bergman-unworthy melodrama to appeal to wider audiences.


Dave Bergman was a really great guy.
