Luis is so full of himself

Ryan did not have to tell him about that other deal with Soly. He is ridiculous. He has these standards he feels everyone should live up to which are insane. He has to realize his values are subjective and other people might think differently amount certain situations.


Still, it is funny that this post says Luis is so full of himself. Compared to Ryan, who could be diagnosed a narcissist, and Frederik, who has a huge ego, Luis comes across as the least full of himself.


Luis is less full of himself, but his size is telling; Napoleon complex is evident, but not exaggerated! ;-/

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Just saw the episode where Ryan's fiancee tells Luis he was wrong for what he said to Ryan. How lucky Ryan is to have someone stick up for him lol. I guess it never occurred to Ryan or his fiancee that maybe the reason Ryan felt so sad about what Luis said to him was that it was the truth! Luis wasn't saying that Ryan shouldn't have taken the listing, just that out of courtesy, he should have told Luis about it.

I love how Ryan shared that his fiancee has taught him he should let people know what he's thinking. Guess it's never too late to learn, even something as basic as simple honesty.


The fact that his girlfriend is fighting his battles is a bitch move.

"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"

Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"


The fact that his girlfriend is fighting his battles is a bitch move.

Were we watching the same episode? When the hell did Ryan ever ask Emilia to fight his battles for him? He didn't even know she was going to have the conversation with Luis; Emilia was mad, and for good reason. I'm not sure it was a good idea to say something to Luis but it certainly wasn't Ryan asking her to "fight his battles for him". Emilia decided all on her own to say something to Luis.
The fact that a WOMAN said something to her finance's colleague, who is a Latin American male, didn't help the situation, either.

Jack's not dead! Jack would never die without telling me, first!


I don't think Ryan was wrong for not telling him. Yeah it would have been nice for him to mention it but I understand why he wouldn't. He didn't have that deal yet. And he states that he doesn't talk about clients he is trying to land because then others could try to take them away. It only makes sense to mention a client when you are actually already working with them. No one in business mentions deals they are negotiating before they are set. Why would they tip off competitors.


Exactly! Real estate is cut-throat, especially in NYC. People can be colleagues, but they still need to look out for number one. Ryan and Fredrik have massive egos, but they also have massive success. Fredrik devotes himself to his clients, as does Ryan in his own way. Both men are capable of sustaining a relationship, while Luis always seems to be alone, usually raging about some slight or a failure.

Ryan can be a complete ass sometimes, but I give him credit for working on his issues since he became engaged to Emilia. Fredrik has also grown quite a bit since marrying Derek and trying to start a family. I don't ever see that with Luis, who seems rather thin-skinned and childish. He reminds me of the neophytes in so many professions who don't want to pay their dues before rising to the top. Fredrik and Ryan are older; they've more than paid their dues and are at the top of their games. Luis has to learn there should be no humiliation in paying one's dues.

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops! 


That's true about Luis. Remember when Fredrik tried to give him a job and he rejected it for being too small! Ryan and Fredrik never seem to reject work.


I don't ever see that with Luis, who seems rather thin-skinned and childish.

OMG. Luis 'It's not my fault' Ortiz.
If I had a dime for every time he uttered those words, I could probably buy a Manhattan townhouse.

And what you said about Luis' compatibility issues with others is so true. He's such a difficult person is it a surprise he's single, even though he's not a bad-looking guy? It's his way or the highway so women keep speeding past him. Poor guy. And he's totally blind to his shortcomings.

I don't love you enough to hate you!


Thanks! I've seen the same sort of "can't get out of my own way" types during my college teaching career. It's sad to see people who just can't learn how to see themselves and others more clearly. We all need to find ways to interact more successfully with our colleagues and our clients; it's often a delicate balance of our egos and our common sense, as well as an emphasis upon customer service. Making empty promises and refusing to compromise will never bring success. Luis will never reach the heights he seeks until he masters that crucial lesson. Both Ryan and Fredrik know when they need to give a bit in order to grasp a bigger prize; they sometimes suffer setbacks, but they quickly move past them.

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops! 


I've seen the same sort of "can't get out of my own way" types during my college teaching career.

Jeez. I'm in education as well and I constantly find myself telling students they're their own worse enemy. Like Luis, they think everyone is out to get/disrespect them so they have no problem cutting off their nose to spite their face.

I don't love you enough to hate you!


Your not wrong lol. They all are pretty bad and I normally like Luis, but it is so annoying when he starts saying things like that he is so above the others.


I literally cringe when he comes on. He is so prideful. I find him extraordinarily shortsighted and frankly, think he's a very angry man.


I was ticked off with that last deal where the developer warned Luis and his partner the asking was a firm $13.75 M and decided to lowball at $13.5! His reputation was lost by that idiot he was working with; going as far to embarrass himself with the developer after the price had gone up 5% and was over $14.437 M! He totally lost it all for $250,000; just wasn't worth it! Hard to believe people who have this money to burn haggle over pennies and totally lose out! ;-/

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Agreed- they totally blew it. But I lost respect for Luis when he went to his boss to see if he could pull some strings to get his developer to lower the price for his client.

Bad move, Luis.


Luis really did screw up on that deal. At first I wanted to blame the stockbroker guy, Dennis. That was until Luis says in his talking head that he thought Dennis would 'know' that this was a time not to negotiate. How would he know that? He should have laid out the groundwork and say either you pay asking price or it's a no go before they even went, how was Dennis supposed to read his mind? This is just another time that Luis is in way over his head and needs to realize he isn't as great as he thinks he is!


Luis continued to embarrass himself meeting with the developer at a Knicks game still trying to get that schedule A price! I'd kick his arse out of my suite! They give him a moment to talk and he was still looking for a favor! He's delusional and stupid at the same time! They're supposed to cut the price by $600,000 just for him to look good? What a douche-bag! ;-/

Update: He got away with it! They relented in the end and the buyer got his discount, but needs to sign by the next day! We'll see! It's on now! ;-/

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Utter crapola. Money is money. If this was not on tv there is no way Witkoff would've left over $600k on the table just like that. Luis is such a drama queen. And a twerp. He needs to grow the feck up.
