The dog

Why didn't the mother do anything when she looked out the window and saw Carl being rough with the dog? And when the dog turned up dead, why didn't anyone question how he died and how he ended up that way? Dogs aren't perfectly healthy one minute and dead in a dumpster the next. Wouldn't most people wonder how their dog ended up like that? Wouldn't most people think about the last time they saw the dog alive? In this case, the last time she saw him alive was when she saw Carl being rough with him. It seems like they would have made the obvious connection at dinner when Carl was acting like the dog could easily be replaced and there was nothing to be sad about. The mother would know it was Carl who did it.


Yes, I've said it before on this forum that whenever there's a dog in a Lifetime movie, you can be sure that the bad person will kill it. This is supposed to make the viewer hate the villain even more than if a person was killed.


YUP! Lifetime movies are beginning to piss me off.

the aspca should sue lifetime movies.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


I didn't see it that way. It is well known many violent psychopaths start abusing animals before moving on to humans. Mant of them start doing this in childhoodm. I thought that was the point they were trying to make.
