MovieChat Forums > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) Discussion > "Mutant Gangland": In memory of Pigeon P...

"Mutant Gangland": In memory of Pigeon Pete?

In this episode the Mutanimals were minus one member. It would seem that Mondo Gecko is now filling in for our old friend Pigeon Pete and upon being asked about this all Slash would say was that they don't like to talk about it. Does this mean that poor Pete has been killed off? This is kind of sad because he was a friend and, while he may not have been to brite, he meant well and was always good for a laugh. I would like to know how this happened, if it was Don Visioso's men or was something else entirely. Some additional info here would be nice. You were a good guy Pete, rest in peace. 😢


I was wondering about that too. Especially since I expect better from this show than a cheap off screen death because they couldn't think of anything better, usually because something happened behind the scenes (trust me, I'm a former Smallville fan. I KNOW)...

Oh sure, it's getting crowded, but even someone like Pete deserves better.


I'm hoping this is a setup for a future episode, and not some cheap sendoff.

Funny thing is though, when the show cut to a scene showing all the food on Don Vizioso's restaurant table, I kept looking for a cooked pigeon.


My co worker and fellow TMNT fan thought that either Slash or Leatherhead (or both) may have eaten him which could actually be true. It would certainly explain the awkward looks on the Mutanimals' faces.


I wonder what happened to Pigeon Pete too. I guess he did get killed off.

Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and Metallica are Bronies


My guess is something happened with A.J. Buckley behind the scenes, since he only voiced Pigeon Pete on TMNT, and no other character.


If it was a problem with the actor they probably would have just recast him, I mean we're on the third Leonardo already now ain't we?


Technically, yes. But Pigeon Pete isn't exactly a key character, so probably not worth recasting. Better to just give them the boot and save a buck.


I kinda figured they did it that way just to indicate stuff happens outside the turtles and that the show has its own world. It'll probably be explored more if they ever do the spinoff that's so blatantly possible to do.


I took it to mean that maybe they were poking Pigeon Pete, like the turtles were sort of pushing Raph's buttons that episode, and Pete got mad and left the group like Raph left.
