Good Movie, but personal flaws

- Days of Future Past was certainly decent enough, but Wolverine is far too often the central character. And personally I never found him captivating enough to deserve constant central seating.
- Also I really wish Mystique was played by Rebecca Romijn in this movie. Jennifer Lawrence is such a poor actor. She doesn't have the 'convincing fundamental emotional' and 'character developing portrayal' acting skills I need for me to take an actor seriously in the center role of a movie. Without those skills, they should only ever be on the side of plots.
Plus Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique just can't perform to the same level of aerobatic flexibility with her fighting. Jennifer Lawrence just does not have the physical flexibility and graceful movement of Rebecca's mystique. Each acrobatic fight move just looks like effort. I can't help but notice. Rebecca's movements were flawless and fluid. You never saw the ins and outs, but it's not the same with her successor
- Having Ian McKellen's Magneto not proud and powerful, but regretful and moral of his life was no good for me.
- "You don't really age so you'll pretty much look the same". Convenient plot point.
- Having a "little person" playing a character whose role is one commanding some form of presence and intimidation makes it less convincing.
- The Nixon impersonator is just bad. Looks nothing like him.
- I would've still shot trask. Ya know, get some satisfaction. Shoot him in the arm or the leg, he won't die.
- I thought it was kind of poor effort for them to just suddenly introduce Quicksilver as some prior associate of Wolverine. That he'd never mentioned before. They should've just made him someone they had just met I did enjoy his character though, and his depiction of it.


Interesting points.


I agree with most of your points, particularly about Lawrence. She's done nothing with the role, she isn't a convincing badass, but I do blame the writers more than her. They've tried to shoehorn her into a sort of three-way relationship with Erik and Charles to make it less homoerotic, and it's not working.

But I do disagree about Dinklage, he brought so much force of personality to the role that his Trask was genuinely intimidating.
