MovieChat Forums > 247°F (2011) Discussion > Ian aka Travis Van Winkle (spoiler aler...

Ian aka Travis Van Winkle (spoiler alert)

From the second Ian, showed up on screen I was drooling... Pretty boy face and ripped... Them abs in the sauna ....

I dont get why they have men in boxers all the time, just when we are finally showing full frontal male nudity, and giving clothes from the north/south pole to women..... Finally we see reality in movies, men do sleep nude, and they dont put on clothes just to go from the bed to the bathroom and back as one example.

It seems that we have moved from the older movies like Top Gun, we see several men (Tom Cruise) in tightie whities, todays movies dark boxers... I dont get it. Why force us to watch females get nude but hide all the male stud talent in a majority of hollywood actors..... Give the ladies a massive floor lengthed fake fur coats, and give the men a 2x2 inch fabric and have it held in place with dental floss hehe

It SUCKED that Ian just had to wear boxers totally ruined the movie... (other than this MAJOR screw up, it was a very good movie)


Dumb comment... Showing breasts isn't even close to the same thing as seeing full frontal male nudity. Showing a little bit of bush isn't even close to the same thing as male full frontal. You want male full frontal often? Then expect to see real female nudity. Vagina lips spread open. Clitoris.. Then it would be on the same scale as you seeing a penis.

Not to mention full frontal male nudity would stop a large majority of men from seeing a movie, and the industry is, and always will be, about the bottom line. Showing breasts for the past 60 years apparently hasn't hurt the industries bottom line, and that is why it still continues to this day.


Wow..all kinds of excuses for a double standard...
That's why there's so little male nudity..straight men are scared to death of it.

But really not relevant here anyway as nudity wasn't an issue.


1. Horror movies are more geared toward male audiences than female.

2. You are not a man so I don't know why youre making such a grand assumption that "men do sleep nude". Sure some do...most dont.

3. Your post is also homophobic. Why assume that females want to watch men naked and vice versa.

4. It wouldn't be necessary in this film. This film is about the psychological effects. If you were looking for a raunchy film taking place in the sauna thats your fault. There were no naked females either.


OP is a w h o r e





Yeah, he was hot <3
Only likeable character as well. SOOO should've lived

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)
