MovieChat Forums > 247°F (2011) Discussion > I wonder why so many underappreciate thi...

I wonder why so many underappreciate this film

Now granted this movie is nothing spectacular...but it's been listed as straight to DVD and one would think 'Oh crap, this is gonna suck...why do I do this to myself?' then hit play for the 1000th time. But I must say honestly this movie held me the whole way through. It was not edge of the seat suspense but it was indeed suspenseful.

I normally turn on a movie then do something to distract myself if it doesn't grab me in the first 10-15 minutes while leaving it play to see/hear anything interesting happening... But no matter what, I couldn't separate myself from this flick to do more than make a sandwich and I found that I forgot to eat half of it because my brain dedicated itself to figuring things out as the movie progressed.

I can see why people didn't love the movie, but I liked it. What I don't understand is some of the venom people have for it. All performances were strong, and the tears shed in the end were great.

I recommend it to anyone who enjoyed movies like Open Water.

"Good...Bad...I'm the guy with the Gun" - Army of Darkness - Ash (Bruce Campbell)


I just finished watching it and I enjoyed it also. If anything its a great psa about the dangers of drinking. The uncle supplying those kids with all that alcohol was insane. Anyway, its a film I hope a lot of parents, adults and teens see.
God Bless*


Really? That is what you took from the movie? You realize that Michael was stoned out of his mind, right?


Not happy with what I wrote.....sorry about that. You're always welcome to write something that is "better" in your opinion. When I wrote "my comment" I didn't write it to compete with anyone, or to make anyone happy or upset. Just my personal take on a movie that
I watched.....that's all.


I just meant that if that is what you took from the movie, it should be more about the other drugs and not the alcohol. He was the only one getting stoned, if I recall.

I live in Washington (legalized pot) and am more scared than ever driving knowing that other drivers may be drunk illegally or stoned legally.

Anyway, the movie was based on a true story so you may be right about the PSA part. I just don't think alcohol was the focus.


But he got high after he accidentally blocked the door. And weed doesn't make you clumsy/violent/messed up like alcohol does either.
It simply relaxes you.

I'm the grim reaper, lardass, and you're my next customer.


Why would parents and teenagers need to see this when those characters were clearly not meant to be underage, let alone teens? As a matter of fact, three out of four of the main characters were 28 years old at the time. So, obviously the uncle sharing alcohol with them wasn't the least bit insane. Now, getting as wasted as Michael did, though, was definitely stupid; I'll give you that.


I give it a 5.5/10.
It's the ending, mainly. Having the only likeable, intelligent character die in movies like this basically ruins it for me. Both girls were absolute morons

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


I gotta admit, i was rather surprised that the only person to of given this movie a review, gave it a really really low mark and said it was absolutely terrible.

I didnt think this movie was too bad, worth a watch once, but i dont think id watch it again though. After watching this i didnt think "ive just had 83 mins of my life wasted that ill never get back". Ok granted, this isnt as good as movies like Frozen, Phone Booth or 9 Dead ect, but it didnt deserve the bashing it got.


The main thing that kills it for me is that the only decent character died (The two girls were unbearable!) But yeah, it isn't awful or anything, just mediocre

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)

