MovieChat Forums > The Great British Bake Off (2014) Discussion > TWO episodes on July 15th! (**UPDATE: NO...

TWO episodes on July 15th! (**UPDATE: NOT ANYMORE)

I checked my cable grid and in my area, there are 2 back-to-back episodes this Friday (Episodes 3 and 4). I love this show so seeing 2 episodes instead of 1 is great news. Hopefully the PBS stations in everyone else's areas also air 2 episodes.

**EDIT (July 14th): I just checked my cable grid and found that the PBS station in my area had changed the schedule. What's now scheduled for July 15th in the 2 hours previously slated to have Episodes 3 and 4 of the GBBS is back-to-back episodes of something called "America in Black and Blue". There are 2 PBS channels that serve my area and I saw that the other one (it's a little sketchy as far as quality of picture/cutting out, etc.) does have Episode 3 of the GBBS ("Quick Breads") scheduled for 10 PM on July 15th and Episode 4 ("Crème Brulee") scheduled for 3 AM on July 16th... 3 in the morning!! So much for my excitement at being able to watch back-to-back episodes of my favorite show tomorrow night. I know they have a right to change their programming but it still stinks.

I'm editing my original post not just to vent but to let other viewers know to check their own PBS stations to see if they've pulled a fast one on you too (I hope they haven't).


Two episodes the 22nd also. Why they are doing the push, I don't know. Usually networks do that when they want to "run off" episodes of a cancelled series. Maybe they'll start airing newer episodes of the other ITV/British series instead of all the old ones.


Wow, 2 more next week as well? YAY!! My cable grid only shows the next 6 days so I wasn't aware of this. I don't know what other show they'd need the Friday time slot for but whatever it is, I wouldn't think it would even start until September. Whatever the reason, I'm just happy we get 4 episodes over the next 2 Fridays.

Thanks for sharing this great info!


bump for my edit with new information


Yes, I cam e here to see if you all knew.


I only got one episode but my tv listing shows two next weekend.

Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans.
No she doesnt.


It's really hard to tell which episode or episodes are going to be on. Last week after I posted that the GBBS had been postponed for a special called "America in Black and Blue", I switched over to PBS at 9 PM just in case and there was Episode 3 ("Quick Breads"). Another PBS station in my area ran Episode 4 ("Crème Brulee") at 10 PM!! At least I was able to watch both of them but based on what was listed in my programming grid, neither of them were supposed to be on.

For July 22nd, it looks to be the same type of cluster. My main PBS station is airing Episode 4 at 9 PM and Episode 5 (using alternative ingredients) at 10 PM (at least that's what my cable grid says at the moment) while the other PBS station is airing Episode 5 at 9 PM and Episode 6 (with Frangipane) at 10 PM. It's utterly confusing and I'll just have to check Friday night to see which (if any) episode is on either/both of the PBS stations.


I went back & forth with our PBS scheduler. He kept saying they aired both according to the schedule. I said just because your schedule says they are to air, does not mean they actually did. I had to inform him that they aired the special instead of one of the episodes. And that episode never did air. He claims the "other" PBS aired it later. Not. As we dvr'd both times. Our "other" one aired the repeats from last week. Throughout this whole conversation(via email) he kept saying well just watch it online. Kind of not the point. Especially if you're like many people I know who do not go online. Funny though, yesterday I get an email from the "head" person who said they received many complaints about what happened last week. Then she said, just watch it online. Lol.

By the way from here on out it's supposed to be two episodes a night, according to our PBS :)


I think the ones we see in the U.S. are older. Maybe they are trying to catch up to get us current, or maybe just one season behind?


The season on now is the last one that aired. The new season(2016) has not aired yet in England. In fact it is airing later because of the Olympics. So we probably won't see it til middle 2017, if not summer.


I had two new episodes Friday night. Usually they rerun the episode from the previous Sunday night, so i wasn't really looking for it. But i happened across it when i was channel surfing. I missed the first segment of the first episode but they are both going to air again this afternoon.

Tonight i have another new episode. So that's 3 this weekend.

The problem is that since every PBS station has their own schedule, unlike other networks, you can't rely on TV Guide to tell you what's on PBS that night. Plus in my area we have two regular PBS channels and another 3-4 of the "extra" channels.

So unless i remember to check online, i don't always know what's on PBS on any given night.

Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans.
No she doesnt.


The two episodes i saw last Friday night actually came after the one that PBS aired on Sunday night. So the two people i watched get eliminated on Friday were there again in the tent on Sunday night. And then at the end of the Sunday episode they ran the promo for the first episode i saw on the Friday before.

I'm not sure why PBS decided to run them out of order like that. But it will be interesting to see what happens this coming weekend.

Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans.
No she doesnt.


The Friday night episodes are the original airing(first run eps). Sunday night's episodes are repeat airings. They're doing it differently this season by showing them on Fridays.
