MovieChat Forums > Moonshiners (2011) Discussion > Dead Giveaway - Show is Fake

Dead Giveaway - Show is Fake

This weeks episode shows Josh paying $3000 for about 100 lbs of scrap copper. The producers of the show must think that none of their viewers own a calculator. It's too bad because I like the show even though it's obvious that if they were making real moonshine in the woods they would be arrested. But when they insult us with such obvious BS it's very disheartening.
Anyone want to buy scrap copper from me at $30 per pound?


And there's no way that it cost nearly that much in new copper, plus Josh just happens to stumble upon his "stolen" still in a junk pile while not even looking for it, the apparent thief sold it intact, and the junk buyer/dealer must know it's an (illegal) moonshine still yet leaves it around rather than quickly scrapping or dismantling it.

(this signature was absent on picture day)


This scene felt particularly fake, I agree.

Who the hell has $1000s on them, even right after a sale. The situation was highly unlikely for so many reasons, the ones listed before me are only some of the glaring red flags.

Btw- I am like 99% sure the guy that "resold him" his still, is Josh's drag racing mentor. They've featured him on at least one occasion when they show Josh racing.
