MovieChat Forums > Hello Herman (2013) Discussion > These movies really shouldn't be allowed

These movies really shouldn't be allowed

They put bad ideas into the wrong kids heads at the worst time.


I don't think that was the point of this movie. I was suprised by how non-violent this movie was considering it's subject matter. I think the only actual physical violence we see is Lax (or 'Vic') getting in a fight with that skin head at a bar. Plus the weird video game that Herman was playing.

It explored the idea that there's more to a situation like this than what you intitally see. (his dad left after saying he didn't want kids, his mother ignored him, he was still not coping well with his sister's death, and the only time people really paid attention to him was when they were bullying him). I'm not saying that I support Herman's choices, because I don't... at all. But it shows that the warning signs are all there but no one is paying attention.

Then there's the idea that these things are so accessable to children - I mean Herman found all those games, hate sites, weapons, and plans via unrestricted/ unmonitored internet usage. It's scary what you can find on the internet.

I think they were also commenting on the fact that the media is making situations like these worse by focusing so much time on the person who commited the horrible act. I'm not saying you shouldn't report the news and what's happening but they're giving people a platform and making them famous for all the wrong reasons.


I definitely think this movie served to point out to all those people who demonize high school shooters like the ones from Columbine, that these kids are not born bad... They just stray down the wrong path, for a multitude of reasons, many of which are the fault of family, schools, and society as a whole. We demonize these kids, when all the while we forget that we together shape the world around these kids... And it is a world of selfishness, "Lax Morals," violence, poor family guidance, school obliviousness, etc... We didnt make kids like Herman pull the trigger... But we sure didn't do anything to STOP him from getting to that point before it was too late.

Right now, we are alive... And in this moment, I swear... We are infinite.
