
That one guy who headed the IHOP was addicted to pornography....and the other white chick already chillin in Africa was once a struggling lesbians (who has never yet married a man but is "married" to an organization or evangelical ideology or what the Frick ever) And they are telling people who and how to be???

I literally laughed when i heard these confessions.

I just feel like these people get off feeling better about their "issues" by telling people how to live and whats wrong and/or right.


Oh my god, unisex names killed my family.


As typical, the people with the most human flaws are the ones condemning other people for not being perfect in their eyes.

The thing that makes them the so evil is that they use so many young people, Americans and Africans, to spread their messages of hate and bigotry. Young people who could make a positive impact on the world are squandering their time and energy on this nonsense.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


Your absolutely right! There's a technical term for it - Reaction Formation. It's an ego defense wherein a person replaces a warded-off idea or feeling by an emphasis on its opposite. For instance, the lady who said she "struggled" with homosexuality now preaches voraciously AGAINST homosexuality.

I just watched on Netflix and when I came across that part I was like Aha! Makes sense. They don't know how to deal with their feelings so they escape by trying to 'save' people from their own feelings.



I can't edit my post :(
