MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Witness (2011) Discussion > Could my story pass for Paranormal Witne...

Could my story pass for Paranormal Witness?

It was October 2011. Me and my wife of two years were moving in an old house in Phoenix, Arizona. We had been there two nights until something very strange happened. I woke up with this odd sensation in my left leg. At first I thought it was just a rash, but it wasn't. There was nothing there. It shook me because the night before we had watched a show about demons. I thought maybe we had attracted something because we had both gotten so scared watching it. So fast forward three years. I was driving home listening to the radio and all of a sudden there's a lot of static coming through. It was clear skies and everything. I got close to my house and the static disappeared. It was so weird. Then that same night I thought I had seen a shadow in the living room. Turn out it was just my wife, but it looked really weird at first because my wife is much fatter than that shadow. Anyway, fast forward two years. I levitated in Miami. Granted I was heavily medicated at the time and had a high fever, but I truly believe I levitated in my hospital bed. My wife was right next to me and said I hadn't levitated. However, I have caught her in lies before and it was so weird, the way she said it. Is is possible the demon is controlling her? I'm so afraid. Still.


Definitely a disturbing case and one that should be on PW.


The problem is firstly that several years pass between each of your alleged events. Moreover, nothing particularly, nor inexplicably supernatural occurred - *especially if* it could be argued that your feeling of levitation could be explained by sedation, medication and illness. Whether a shadow appeared more fat or thin to you, is, with respect, arguably neither here nor there Etc.

OTOH, it's very unusual indeed, to be able to submit enough material to fill an entire episode of PW. For example, those of us who've witnessed an apparition almost always find that there's no much else to it. And many of the show's viewers have succumbed to normalcy bias to the extent that a typical haunting would seem not to 'cut the mustard' any more; besides, good luck to anyone who thinks that an entity's ability to stack chairs in your living room will interest the average viewer nowadays. Shame really, but that's the way it goes. Sigh...

Anyway, the rule of thumb would appear to be - the harder it is to explain away, i.e., in a conventional or everyday sense, an alleged series of increasingly unusual events, over a period of weeks and months, the more likely it is that you may eventually(!) find yourself with sufficient elements to feature in a forthcoming episode - especially if there are independent and credible witnesses who are prepared to support your analysis of alleged events; And best/rarest of all - anyone who is also be able to produce un-doctored video footage of an otherwise inexplicable event &/or events.

Sandwiched between The Principle of Mediocrity & Rare Earth Theory, you should see The Fermi Paradox


My bowel movements could pass as a story for PW.

But seriously, I think there are mundane plausible explanation for your experiences:
* leg sensation - poor circulation? Allergy to washing powder or the washing machine not having an efficient spin cycle? Mild drug psychosis?

Radio static - external factors that are not visible such as problems at the radio station, electronic interference from something manmade?

Even you debunk your own shadow experience. A person's shadow can be smaller than the person if the light source is further away and if angled so. An example of this would be at sunset when the sun is low and a person's shadow is much thinner (but taller).


Lmao I hope you are being sarcastic.

I actually had some experiences when I was a kid that could be on this show or A Haunting. I believe my house was truly haunted and had weird things happen that I cannot explain rationally - and I am a very rational and skeptical person. As an adult I look back and think perhaps it was my imagination and I try to bury it all. However, I do not want to ruin my reputation by telling my stories on these sort of shows.


Rebuke it in Jesus' name, and it will leave. There is power in the name of Jesus. James 4:7


Its becoming evident that any story can get on the show.

"Is that your IQ or the number of dipwads your mother had?" - Car Pool Man


Definitely. By the time I got to your description of the too thin shadow of the fat, lying wife, I had goosebumps all over. Clearly you are pursued by a very tenacious, not to mention patient, high-level demon. Not only is this worthy of a PW episode, you should actually seek out professional help to banish this evil entity once and for all. Otherwise something really weird might happen again a few years down the road. Of course, you will have to weigh the merits of exorcising the vile hell-spawn against the opportunity cost of no longer being able to collect fresh material for a follow-up episode. Oh well...I hope I will be able to sleep after reading about your terrifying ordeal.
