MovieChat Forums > Legend Quest (2011) Discussion > Has this guy studied ANY history?

Has this guy studied ANY history?

He's not a symbologist, otherwise he would have a clue about symbols
like a double headed eagle and the Maltese cross. From what I could
tell if he saw a X turned the correct way he'd call it a Maltese Cross.
This show is facepalm central. I'm surprised they didn't work in some
wrestling into the show!


I hope you aren't shocked. Pretty much all of the reality shows on SyFy are cynical trash. This one just happens to be one of the very worst. Every time Cowie tried to force an association between the Ark and the Byzantine Eagle, it made me sick to my stomach. The show didn't even make an attempt to explain the history of the symbol or its context with the Holy Roman Empire. I would be outraged if I wasn't already so jaded. Shows like these have taken over the networks.

Also, Cherubs? Cowie claims to be a "historian" and is called "an expert in symbology" (whatever the hell that means -- spoiler, it means nothing). It's possible he knows what actual Cherubim are, but can't really expand on it because the show is specifically crafted for stupid Americans who know next to nothing about The Bible (but think they do) or, for that matter, history in general. However, looking over Cowie's resume, I can see that credible historical knowledge doesn't appear to be his selling point. This guy is a Dan Brown-esque pseudo-historian, possessing zero qualifications, who's cashing in on his television charisma while he can.


Yeah, I mean, where did his history/legend of King Solomon and his ring come from. Even removing the ring, where did the rest of it come from?


LIke most socalled reality shows...they bare little similarity to reality.

This show is at times entertaining, but not all that accurate.
I disklike this show because it pretends to be realistic via his research and its so obvious that some of its not true.

Ive actually done some of the things that he claims he has had to have permisission to do and btw, on some of those things one has not needed permission for nearly 100+ years.

ON others its just so much b.s
ANybody who sees this as any more than 10% accurate (% can be debatable) is a fool because 'real' history contradicts some of what this show has portrayed.


LIke most socalled reality shows...they bare little similarity to reality.

This show is at times entertaining, but not all that accurate.
I disklike this show because it pretends to be realistic via his research and its so obvious that some of its not true.

Ive actually done some of the things that he claims he has had to have permisission to do and btw, on some of those things one has not needed permission for nearly 100+ years.

ON others its just so much b.s
ANybody who sees this as any more than 10% accurate (% can be debatable) is a fool because 'real' history contradicts some of what this show has portrayed.



Now that ...a...good idea!


Its so obviously bogus in some ways that its entertaining to watch at times.

Fact is, if the show was to 'actually' find real artifacts or would be worldwide within a day or sooner... this show is so fake its laughable.
I feel sorry for the actors and etc who are on this show, and even for those who will insist its real or factual when its so obviously not.
