MovieChat Forums > Legend Quest (2011) Discussion > You can watch this Tripe if you want to....

You can watch this Tripe if you want to..

Here's a guarantee. After the entire series runs.

He'll never find anything unless he chooses some obscure quest thing that nobodies ever heard of or was looking for. Something like Hitlers lost baggage or Teddy Roosevelts lost monocle. He'll claim to have been close, practically every time. He'll try to act like each time he's discovered new clues. But in the end you'll be left with more drama, than anything else.
None of these new shows are discovering ANYTHING that they're setting out to.
They're just overly dramatic quests that end up empty handed.


Latest episode..S01E02

He just accepts what he wants, dismisses what he wants. Anybody could run around in degree seperation circles like this! He tells the Legend of King Arthur, but dismisses the ending. He see's a lion, he instantly associates it with Richard The Lion Hearted. The Lion Statue doesn't even match the age of the crypt he was in, by many centuries! This would be like him finding a Coke bottle cap there and heading off to Atlanta! There he see's an old Ty Cobb Coca-cola ad, so he heads to Detroit Tigers stadium. You could do this all day with anything! And then him deciding Ty had Excaliber disguised as his bat.

He certainly finds a bunch of spiders! He know Priory Masters of a Society that didn't have them, and has been defunct for 800 years. If you asked him, he probably knows Abraham Lincoln, Ghandi, Santa Claus, Indiana Jones....

When a volcano erupts it blows off it's top, destroying everything that used to be there. The stuff doesn't sink, it's blow away!



I love it!


They should have a crossover with Blue's Clues, and he finds blue paw prints somewhere really dark. And then he draws it with a crayon in a handy dandy notebook.

And then as he sits in a thinking chair, he claims that the answer to the clue is under the mailbox, but he can't dig it out without killing the mailbox.


well the only thing worth watching is Kinga looking hot, Kinga when wet, Kinga when wearing tight shorts, basically Kinga.
