Fake fake fake

I saw the pensacola episode, know the people who own the house, his sister in law is a great friend. She told us they hired actors to be friends. The haunted items were purchased at auction and not original to the house. Pretty much just made up the story. This is worse than lizard lick towing.


Watching further, i saw a freind of mine , they call him a local historian. He is not a local historian but a chef at the local taco truck and an artist. It is jsut getting funnier and funnier. Also the military historian said he just went along with them, and said what they wanted to hear.


I think ghosts would have to exist for any of this to be real. They know people will believe in something despite a complete lack of evidence. So whatever they can make up to get viewers, they're going to do it. Look how Ghosts Hunters started manufacturing evidence, which you can now see on you tube.
