MovieChat Forums > The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Discussion > Pretty disappointing that we don't get a...

Pretty disappointing that we don't get a third one

When I first saw this movie, my mind was blown away by the awesomeness that I was definitely not expecting. I got really excited when I heard that they'll be making a third one AND a fourth one - with Shailene Woodley! Yeah, she's like my favorite actress and celeb crush so I got overly excited to see her in the sequel to one of my favorite movies.

But then the project just died?! All because of Captain America: Civil War or what? Probably cause it'd be weird to have two Spider-Men in one year. See, I always find reasons not to be a fan of the Avengers movies


If TASM movies hadn't underperformed, Sony wouldn't have never made a deal with Marvel.


I'm glad this turdball series was cancelled after 2 films.


I'm bummed, too, that we don't get resolution to this series. I want to know about his father, and where he's been this whole time! I think it underperformed bc they didn't advertise this movie much. I barely heard about it. I'm seeing it more now on fx than anywhere else! I LOVE Andrew Garfield as Spidey, and I wanted to see more of him. *sigh*


It was advertised literally everywhere I went here in Iceland


I don't think these films are that bad. Not great, but I can stand to watch them. While I'm not disappointed Spider-Man is back with Marvel and appeared in CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR, I think it would have been nice had we gotten just one more with Andrew Garfield. The third could have had Spider-Man and Felicia/Black Cat teaming up to battle the Sinister Six. Maybe the Lizard could have returned, this time as an ally. Let it have a sense of closure.


The TASM series only got cancelled because Sony executives were smoking crack, when they spent almost 500 million to produce and promote this movie, lol. 

It's their damn fault if they spent a ton of money to promote this flick. I also liked TASM 2 ( yeah, I'm in the minority and I like the TASM movies more than the Raimi trilogy ) and I wanted a sequel to close the story ( they were clearly setting up the Sinister Six ).

Well, the movie underperformed BUT just because the insane money they spent with it. Had they spent less, we could have got a third movie. Spidey is part of MCU now ( though he still belongs to Sony ), but I'll always watch the TASM movies.

Let's hope Spider Man Homecoming is a great flick.


my mind was blown away by the awesomeness

Awesomeness of what? The mess of a story, the schizophrenic tone, the embarrassing villains, the emphasis on the extremely boring parents story line?


Funny how some posters assume that everyone has the same opinion and state them like facts


Why do you think the tone is schizophrenic?


I have to admit, I did not care for this movie at all (I blame you, Gerry Conway! 😝). That being said, there should have been a third one to tie up all of the loose ends of the first two. To just leave everything unresolved for all time... I am no fan of that at all.

If nothing else, those that did like the film(s) deserved to have the rest of the story told, and I can't help but feel for them.


They were decent films.

It's safe to say that doing a full reboot was a critical mistake though.

Dr. Heywood R. Floyd


The project probably died because they spent way too much money promoting it and couldn’t justify the little money they made. Couple that with a lot of bad ratings and it was almost destined to get axed….

Personally I am happy about this change. Marvel getting the rights seems like a perfect fit and the spidey from civil war seems like the best one yet. I have always felt that he works best when coupled with other heroes. Sort of the guy to take the piss out of everyone else. This also allows Marvel to use Spidermans villain pool which is an awesome thing to have. Especially since good villains is the most prominent thing lacking in the Marvel universe. I mean… how often was the bad guy just an “evil version” of the hero…
