MovieChat Forums > The East (2013) Discussion > Things that Didn't Make Sense/Questions

Things that Didn't Make Sense/Questions

1. How was Marling’s character able to get out of the handcuffs with a paper clip?

2. How did one of the cult members have a car ready when he got off the freight train?

3. Why would the pharmaceutical company have marketed antibiotics that had such serious side effects?

4. Why at the end would the cult leader have abandoned his car and gotten into that big rig vehicle?

5. An initiation rite involving eating while wearing a straitjacket seemed ridiculous.

6. Marling’s evil corporate boss initially does nothing with her employee’s field reports, but even a heartless executive would see the massive criminal and civil liability in allowing an employee to participate in serious crimes.

7. Do you think Marling and the cult leader had good sexual chemistry?

8. What causes Marling’s character to switch sides?

9. How did the cult leader know where Marling’s character worked?

10. What did you make of the ending in which Marling’s character contacts and recruits different agents?
