Not Bad for SighFy

Most of the actors are good. The skiing and snowboarding scenes are pretty smooth. The beast is another screaming cartoon, but he's not on camera very much. But the girl in the tight red pullover is plenty.

Anyway we enjoy making fun of made for tv movies a lot more than we like watching the good oness. I guess this one interrupts our reguarly scheduled hobby.


Nina filled out her magenta color pullover turtleneck very well. But you guys obviously forgot about the lady bartender back in town who wore her white blouse with four buttons opened to show off her braless decolletage.


I tuned in late and missed the young lady at the bar. I'll have to keep an eye open for the repeat. Unfortunate to miss such an integral plot point.
Excellent use of the word decolletage.


Nina nicely filled out those jeans as well!! Zara Dimitrova played the bartender, and you should see her in a bikini...good lawd!!


It was fun and for once the CGI monster was the weakest part of the film. Usually acting,plot,script,editing,score are usually all just as poor as the "animation". Not this time.
