Linear version

Anyone know where I can watch the linear version ? I found the Spanish version but obviously does not provide English audio, I really want to give this another chance, the UK version threw me off with all the non-linear crap.


France and Germany also edited the miniseries into a chronological fashion. I've ordered the DVD/Blu-ray from and - both have the english audio option. I should be getting the French DVD/Blu-ray sometime soon. Once it arrives, I could rip both parts onto my computer and burn it onto DVD for you?


I would love to see the linear version too but don't have an all-region DVD player. Haven't found it uploaded online anywhere yet sadly. :(


As I said, I would be more than happy to burn the linear version onto DVD if anyone is interested :)


Thanks for the offer Jordan, but its ok, I too have now pre-ordered the German, release date for May 13th though ? Damn.


You should have ordered the miniseries from France! It was released last week. They also edited the miniseries into a linear fashion. Personally, I loved both formats, but I prefer the linear fashion.


I'd love to have a copy... (That's if it’s an open offer... Or I'll torrent it from you!?).

Regarding the Linear version - how do certain scenes work with their various perspectives ... Do you see the same scene again and again back to back - or do they cut out certain parts?!


Yeah, it's an open offer! Just private message me for further details. As soon as the DVD arrives from France, I will rip it onto my computer and burn it onto DVD!

Uh, from what I remember, some scenes are combined while others have been edited.

Here's a few examples:

The dinner scene in episode one and episode two are combined together.

The Southampton scenes from episode one - three are combined together, but edited in their respective places.

The sinking scenes from episode one - four are combined together, but edited in their respective places.

Having seen the linear format, I personally enjoyed it. Nigel Stafford-Clark (producer) did approach the story in a unique way, but should have stuck to a linear fashion. I do, however, enjoy both formats. It just depends on the individual themselves to decide which format they liked.


I recieved the french version today, part 1 the ship hits the iceberg and in part 2 we have had the clocks put back again and told from another pov. the spanish had everything in order, although 2 scenes did not make sense

1. Mr Maloney cycles home and presents to his wife steerage tickets aboard Titanic BEFORE the scene Thomas Andrews gave him the offer.

2. The iceberg passes Mr Batley twice.


Are those scenes from the French or Spanish version?


Spanish, the French version is still an improvement to the UK even if it isn't completely linear.


What do you mean? I want to be prepared when I get the DVD



Part 1 (Disc 1) focuses on the 1st and 2nd class passengers, ends with Earl of Manton begging his wife to get in the Lifeboat.

Part 2 (Disc 2) rewinds and focuses on the Crew and steerage and then later all characters involved for the Titanic's final moments.


Personally, I think that sounds better. I love the flashback format, but I prefer the linear fashion. I'm really looking forward to seeing it though. Does it include the English Audio and are there any French superimposes over the film itself?


Yes it has English audio, and the opening and closing credits are in French, one disadvantage though is there are no English subtitles for the Italian brothers when they are speaking there first language


Bugger!! I guess I'll just have to deal with it....
