MovieChat Forums > Titanic (2012) Discussion > In love with this woman... (Titanic rela...

In love with this woman... (Titanic related!); amp;hl=en&sa=N&rlz=1R2SMSN_enGB411&tbm=isch&tbnid=bWUK uexK_Z53CM:&imgrefurl= ic-julian-fellowess-fourpart-miniseries/&docid=1smOcT_HAn5kAM& imgurl= -2012-gallery/titanic2012-012.jpg&w=393&h=550&ei=gjuDT_3sJ ceh8gPvvaiSBg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=305&sig=1048969259487 00350039&page=1&tbnh=149&tbnw=112&start=0&ndsp=18& amp;ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0,i:77&tx=46&ty=73&biw=1441&bih=6 76

Stupid long links.

Still, awesome lady

Minerva McGonagall - who taught us just how badass we can be

Previously known as Gleek9412


There's a remedy for long links; it's called

Plus, you need to right-click on the image in Google Images and view the actual image, not just the preview.


Thanks a lot, that'll come in handy

PS, I'm not like a MDK stalker, I'm just a big fan

Minerva McGonagall - who taught us just how badass we can be

Previously known as Gleek9412


She does a lot of stuff on Twitter as she and her husband are part of a folk band and they tour the world performing. Obviously she uses the tweets to say which venue's next as free publicity. Check it out and you may get the chance to declare your love for her.


Just make sure you say that you love her work...her husband might have certain objections if you leave those last two words out... :-)


I watched the entire thing because she was in it!


Watch The Tudors Season One if you like her...
