Georgiana's Song?

What was the song that Georgiana requested and that they played later on when the ship started sinking?


“Songe d' Automne” I believe.


"Songe d' Automne" is believed to be the last song played by the Titanic's band, as is "Nearer, My God, To Thee."

Wireless Operator Harold Bride claimed that "Songe d' Automne" was the last song he heard the Titanic's band play. However, other survivors claimed that they heard "Nearer, My God, To Thee."

"Nearer, My God, To Thee" was the favorite hymn of Thomas Hartley, the leader of the Titanic's orchestra/band.

It was also the official hymn of the musicians' union, and all the musicians on the ship were members of the union.

"Nearer, My God, To Thee" is a rather simple song to play. "Song d' Automne" is much more difficult, especially if your fingers are numb from having played outside in freezing weather for quite a while.

Can you guess which song I believe the Titanic's band played before her deck became too steep to play?


I believe I have this right - it was "Autumn" - which is the second song in the what-was-the-band-last-heard-playing debate.


I am finally catching up with this miniseries on Netflix, and was looking forward to hearing "Songe d'Automne," which is one of my favorite waltzes. But this wasn't it! The waltz played on the show also has a minor-key flavor, and some melodic similarities, but most definitely isn't the real "Autumn." I'm wondering if the original is still under copyright protection, or the rights could not be obtained for some reason; perhaps the producers asked their composer to whip up a suitable substitute? I'd love to know if someone knows more about this!


This Youtube claims to be the actual waltz:

Is it?





My heart will go on.

I could care less, but I don’t care enough to bother.
