Rose + Jack

Are they in this, I might of miss read it but I couldn't see Rose or Jacks names in the IMDB list.





Well, that's a bit unkind. There was a J. Dawson who was lost on the Titanic whose grave receives hundreds of visitors per year thanks to the Cameron movie, last I heard. So, there are some people who legitimately might think that they either were real people or based on them.

To the original poster, no, they aren't. Jack and Rose were purely fictional characters in the Cameron movie, and do not appear in this version.



Hey! Until I see the giant killer robots that I wrote in and asked for rampaging around the Titanic during the sinking, I will encourage whoever I want!

(Mind you, if I can't get giant killer robots, zombies would do just fine...)


The Dawson you refer to was Joseph Dawson. He was a trimmer on the Titanic crew. His body was recovered and listed as Body number 190. Please don't make excuses for the OP. If he/she wasn't trolling, he/she has access to the same information as everyone else. As for the movie characters, it was explained by DiCaprio's first scene in the pub, that Jack wouldn't have been on the passenger manifest because he was using someone else's ticket.

This version was, in many ways, a better one. The acting was better and, unlike Cameron's version, the script didn't suck bilge water.


Uh, if you've bothered to do your research... you would have discovered that this is a mini-series, and NOT the movie.


There seems to have been a sense of humour bypass. Haha!


Rose and Jack have as much right to be on board as the Batleys,Mantons or Rushtons - or indeed most of the principals as none of them exist. By the way,did you know that Peter the Painter changed his name to Lubov after escaping from the siege of Sidney Street and boarded the Titanic,where he tried to shag Mrs Maloney. Daft,I call it. Let's hope Lord F's version of 'Gypsy' carries more conviction.



Julian Fellowes was offered to write the screenplay for Titanic, just as he was writing the first episode of Downton Abbey in 2008. Anyway, Fellowes wanted to have someone on board ask "Do you know James and Patrick Crawley?" - but he decided not to include them. Titanic and Downton have no similarities whatsoever. People can complain all they want, I still think Julian Fellowes is an excellent writer and people's opinions won't change that. As for Lady Majorie, well we have Lady Manton :)


lol, fmfm.


You missed the both of them?!?! How could you?!?! They were with Tim Curry & the Irish couple from the 1996 miniseries!!!

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!




Lady Marjorie sacrificed herself trying to save a child which La Manton would never have done,especially a lower-class Catholic child but this show is far more similar to The Ballad of Jack and Rose than people are claiming because both of them are squandering their time and budgets on non-existent persons who never set foot on the Titanic because they were made up characters when the real life stories could have been far more interesting. (Once again I call Curiosity:What Sunk the Titanic aka Inside the Titanic as the proof of that. )



Wait...I'm confused. You mean the Titanic was a real ship that sank??



Nice trolling, but not perfectly executed.


Sorry, I just can't cross that line into letting people really believe I'm THAT dumb!

Maybe one day...after a bit more practice...


I didn't either!

I also didn't see any big rapping dog, Mexican mice or evidence that the Titanic was made of Byzanium either.

(If no one knows what I'm talking about, and just plain insults me cos they don't get it, then they don't have any sense of humour).

They call me the wanderer.


I've heard of the animated movie thanks to the Nostalgia Critic. LOL
