What was this?

First of all, this "movie" was WAY too rushed. I was watching the first part on Saturday night on ABC, excited to see a new Titanic movie to coincide with the 100th anniversary. I had to go somewhere for a little bit during the second commercial break, and that was about 15 minutes in. By the time I came back about 25 minutes later, the ship had already hit the iceberg and started to sink! What?! And then they have all these confusing subplots involving different characters on the ship. They keep transferring from the sinking to storylines before the ship hit the berg, and the plots somehow connect to each other to tell the audience what was happening with other characters during different parts of the movie.

I don't know why they just couldn't go in chronological order, like any other Titanic movie, and then have the climax involving all these characters as the ship sinks.

And I know that this was a cheap TV movie, but the final moments of the ship before she plunged into the sea was very poorly done. It looked so fake. Like I said, I know it was a TV movie, but they could have done that much, much better. Seriously, this was a piss-poor movie all around.


I wish ABC would have aired it the way the UK did, over 4 separate weeks. I was initially intrigued by the concept of getting bits and pieces of the story over a longer period of time. I think had it aired over 4 weeks it would have been more engaging; watching it back to back as I did, I didn't really feel emotionally invested in some of the sub-plots until the third episode.


1. It's a television mini-series, not a movie.
2. It's a character driven drama, not a Hollywood blockbuster film.
3. You have the attention span of a kipper.
4. Get over it.
5. All of the above.


It is a good (true) story that is constantly badly told in movie or mini series.

Why add love stories in and fictional characters to keep our interest?

CanĀ“t someone make a GOOD movie, drama, mini series of this terrible tragedy without it coming over as fluff.

This was terrible and a complete waste of time to watch on so many levels.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.


I am just watching this on Netflix and thus far I am inclined to agree with your sentiments.

The sinking of Titanic was indeed a tragedy but what ruins every story about it is, as you say, the fluff and non-existent love stories and characters. It is a story that to my mind requires no enhancement and is what singularly dominated and to some arguable degree ruined Cameron's movie because it had to appeal to a teen audience.

Has anyone seen my wife? - Columbo
