This show...

I watched both seasons and honestly i was left speechless. The humor, the stories, the characters, the drama,the reveals, the tension, even the action were all just amazing. I laughed my ass off, I bit my nails, I smiled way to much, I dropped my jaw, I even teared up a little, all from an animated Disney channel TV show. Just great great showmaking at its finest


 couldn't agree more. Truly a masterclass in storytelling, character development and humor. The characters are all unforgettable, the mystery and stakes were gripping and intense, and it never forgot to bring us back to the innocence and fun of our childhoods.


So true! I think my husband and I liked it more than our son actually lol. I'm still not understanding why the creator wanted to stop making it but still have crap tv cartoons on that aren't going anywhere. This show was Great!
