
What happens at the end of the movie?


I don't think they allow spoilers on this site. But I can tell you that the ending in the movie is different than in the comic book in that it has a few more and some different twists and turns. I think it's actually better than the ending in the comic and gives you an idea of where they are going with the sequel. Go see the movie!


Why the hell wouldn't spoilers be allowed on the site? Simply warn readers that "spoilers" follow and divulge. What I'd like is a rough plot summary of the film and how it compares to the graphic novel, since there isn't any summary to be found anywhere else. I saw the movie, I just didn't get all the various twists and turns and the so-called "twist" ending.


Budarc how does it end?


I dont understand the after credit scene. Can somebody elaborate. And those who don't want to see spoilers should never read this topic imho...


The way I see it, if anyone not wanting to risk a movie being spoiled should ever click on a thread entitles "ending," regardless of whether or not it has a spoiler tag.


http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1865573/board/nest/208167605?d=214559594#2 14559594

See the above link where I explain the ending in another thread.

I re watched some parts to be sure I got everything right.

Hope y'all appreciate it, because I personally think the ending doesn't make sense unless you assume the janitor was magic... and inkblots have mind control capabilities which only work on 4/5 teens. Possibly 3/5 teens as Veronica points out.


To Quote The Breakfast CLub, Answer the damn question.

The janitor wasn't dumb, just acting that way as way of revenge for his family, not just for the dead indian, but for all the way back from the beginning, when the lead kid, who survived, ancester came and took the land.


I probably missed something, but from what I saw, the janitor didn't do anything at all to exact revenge. All of the deaths were done by other people.


Yeah, I don't recall him doing much more than wipe up blood in a crime scene... uhh since when is that permitted?

and grab the device that had the murder video on it and swap it with the parents for money.

He didn't kill anybody. It's impossible for him to have planned this whole thing when we know two other people planned most of it.


He was still involved, just playing up as a dumb guy. As to the blood he cleaned up, he did it on the sly, so they wouldn't pin the beheading on the statue, but on the lead kid.
