Casting of Tarek

Alright I didn't get that he was supposed to be foreign until they went into it. You can't just take an obviously white jewish looking guy and have people calling him terrorist and expect the audience to understand that. This movie was retarded


I believe that was the point. The movie is supposed to make you think. And figure things out...and overcome preconceived notions. Although you may want all Muslims to look a certain way, they come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. A Sudanese (black), Bosnian (blonde, blue-eyed), Indonesian (Asian), and Saudi (Arab) walk into a bar...none of them looks anything like the other but they all order a milkshake because they don't drink alcohol. They are all Muslim. And as for Marc Donato, I think he's Italian (most likely Roman Catholic). I really think the people who don't like the movie are pissed that it doesn't fit into their preconceived notions of a lot of things including that a movie has to be a specific genre. What I actually loved about the movie was that it is genre-bending...


I think most people don't like it because it was slow up until the end and then explanations get thrown out like rapid fire, but they still don't make sense.

How did the janitor know he would have the evidence to make the deal with the parents? Why would the parents go through all the trouble to get that library made, if they were okay with their kids being killed? How the heck do inkblots convince hot ginger girls into stripping or stealing a handicapped kid's soup? That's awfully specific and psychologically ridiculous. And why does a rich prep school with a new building have swarms of roaches? are the roaches the native Americans that were killed? Did they help knock over the stacks and spin the statue at the end, or talk Tricia into knocking Craig down the stairs? How can any of that be planned without roach spirits from beyond? If I even have to ask that last question, this film is no award winner.

And trailers that give off an idea that the whole movie will be wild DO really bum out people when you see that most of the film plays out like a murder mystery up until the crazy scooby doo hoax ghosts. Most of the film is just arguing and talking, similar to the Breakfast Club, yet Tricia tells us it wont be like that.

Those ghost hoax parts very much reminded me of the joke South Park made about the scooby doo hoaxes being ridiculous and unbelievable. How the heck does Tarek wrapped in plastic look like a ghost with glowing eyes? It's completely unbelievable, plus the Abraham Lincoln hologram would never look like a screaming zombie just because the lights were slightly off. How does that effect the sound?
And how Does Veronica do a full blown zombie make up while playing dead on the ground, and for what? she immediately laughs and removes some of it right after. So why and how does she do this? There is no way she can attach a latex wound piece to her neck properly between the second seance and when Matt gets to her as she is stumbling out of the room.

I can accept absurd unrealistic moments in movies, but this film acted straight forward up until these parts that were completely out of nowhere. It's like it wanted to be two different films, but sloppily threw them together.

And it is very odd that some idiots would call someone a terrorist when they look like a Jewish kid. Idiots are supposed to think all terrorists are brown skinned middle eastern people. It just doesn't make sense that their preconceived notions don't match most idiot's preconceived notions. I think they wanted him to look weak, and so they chose a little ginger boy ignoring all the dialog that makes him sound like a typical terrorist looking middle eastern kid. I find it poor casting, that only works a little because he probably does have curly pubes. And it is possible that he could look like that and have that name. But is it so hard to cast a brown person in movies? They had to keep the cast white except for the obligatory token black guy? Even the Native Americans looked white. Though, the racial casting didn't bother me much, I am just pointing out the obvious.

In the end you blame the audience for not getting it and wanting something else, but you miss all the flaws in the film and act like it was a masterpiece. It is not, and while I agree many films need to be watched without expectations, this film should have expected better from itself. It deserves it's current 4.2/10 rating. It is a 5, but if I was to be charitable, I'd give it a 6. It was not boring, at the least, it was just poorly done and thought out. And it did feel like it was made by MTV for teens, except that's insulting to many MTV films that made more sense.


I am from the Middle East, and Tarek does look Middle Eastern (other than Jewish). Not typical (and definitely not Armenian) but he can still pass for one.


yeah this movie was so incredibly stupid
