
Anyone else notice that you can guess who wins the game by looking at the remaining time left? Halfway through the show and the timer is still above 30 hours and you can tell the result already.

On a side note, I'm kinda disappointed that this show has turned into some sort of reality/drama/character study thing. I was led to believe that it would be (like the commercials said) like a spy thriller with edge-of-your-seat tension.

Bottomline: It's not exciting.


> Anyone else notice that you can guess who wins the game by looking at the remaining time left?

That's kind of true about any competition show. And it's true of murder mysteries and countless other TV shows and movies.

Haven't you sat down and watched a movie and found that 20 minutes into the movie the major crime is solved? But with an hour left in the running time, you know darn well that there is a bigger crime going on.

Just don't look at the clock when you watch these shows.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Definitely agree on both counts. Especially the last episode was poor with the more "reality tv" style stuff. Yeah, I really don't care about a person crying because they're in a cell... in a game. Not when that's the entire focus of the episode.

But yeah, I've predicted all the results so far about 1/3 into the episode and have been sure about halfway through. The timer makes it pretty easy to tell.
