Time Travel Contradiction

Let me begin by saying that this was a very well written, moving and heartfelt movie. The strength of the film is in its humanity and not in the metaphysics of time-travel. Yet, there is something starkly contradictory in the logic of the film. If Kenneth had already changed the timeline by going back and saving Kristen Bell (cannot remember the character's name), then what motivation would the present Kenneth have for building the time machine in the first place? If the timeline was altered, why does Kenneth believe that Kristen Bell is dead? Should not this present version of Kenneth have known that he crashed into her house, but that she did not die? I know Kenneth says that time does not work like we would expect, but leaving it up to mystery is copout for a rather blatant contradiction.


I think the point was that he really is crazy, but he's also super smart. This movie was like Beautiful Mind meets Napolean Dynomite. All we know is that Kenneth created some kind of device, but whether they actually went back in time is debatable. Maybe they vaporized, maybe they went to another dimension, maybe the whole thing was just his delusion.

When Belinda talked about how he was a nice guy that she couldn't fit into her life, I know that was supposed to make her look like a selfish bitch, but I get it. I was in a position like that once and it's a delicate situation. I think Belinda probably handled it the best she could, but the rejection was more than Kenneth could bear. To cope, he created this delusion where some maniac crashed into her house, when it was really him behind the wheel. Instead of physically killing her, he symbolically killed her. It was easier for him to believe she was dead than to come to terms with her not loving him.


I love your interpretation and I think you are quite right. He is both delusional and genius. It is something I did not consider. Thank you so very much.


I made a post long ago explaining the movie, here's a cut and paste that should answer your question.


Before I break down his first attempt all the way thru to the final ending with his new mission and Belinda confusion, I want to bring up his talk with Shannon. First time you see him talking with Shannon at the grocery store, he brings up the cat in the box theory, AKA Schroedinger's Cat. Those unfamiliar, it's if a scenario could exist, and can't exist at the same time because of the previous or other scenarios. A paradox! He basically said he solved time travel using alternate scenarios just because he "get's it."

Now, I'll go into why the first travel. Kenneth grew up awkward and lonely, bullied into hiding his star wars toys. Belinda was extra nice to him, most of her early accounts during the interview is probably what happened and true. He was too shy to make a move so he quit the restaurant after she married and always regretted it, making it his mission in life to build a time machine to go back and do something about it. And also better himself so he could go back and earn her love by playing his song on the zither and showing off all his martial arts skills.

His first trip back, A DISASTER! Long time to dwell and build something up to himself, just to have it blow up on you. She admitted to finding him weird and not even date-able in her interview with Darius. Freshly heartbroken and angry, got drunk and smashed his car into Belinda's living room, killing her. He let his inexperience and rage get the best of him, and now spends that time living in more regret and added sorrow than before. This now leads to his NEW mission. Save Belinda from himself.

He's now spending all this time working to fix that mistake, and building another time machine. But most importantly, he learned the importance to take on a partner. Someone who can understand his way of thinking, can calm him down from another rash mistake, but also have his back. This all leads up to the Kenneth WE know as viewers at the end of the movie. Everything was the same for him with Belinda being dead up until he released the ad that changed everything!

That ad leads Darius to him, someone he didn't expect to fall in love with while trying to save Belinda, something he wouldn't be obligated to do if he hadn't traveled back in the first place. Then finally, Darius gives him the news that reminded him of "Schroedinger's Cat Theory" at the end. That Belinda is NOW suddenly alive when she should be dead, and more importantly, they're not together. Click! It hit's him that Darius is the end goal! This scenario shouldn't have happened without those previous histories to have happened as well leading up to now. This prompts him to update the mission once more, to getting Darius (which is pretty much the timeline scenario of the entire movie). All those events for Kenneth, and the same for Darius (mother dying, feeling empty all the time) must have also happened so they can reach that special moment, their time and place he talked about in the car after the laser theft. Even Darius told him that she loved his reason for going back.

So what probably happened next, so that he can keep this special timeline a real thing in this alternate world, is do exactly what Belinda said at the end of the interview. His last travel was to set up the final reveal for himself, by crashing his car but only leaving a dent under the kitchen window at the boyfriends house this time, NO FATALITIES. Because of that, the editor would call and lead Darius to Belinda at the perfect time.



Kenneth was unaware he had saved her because he either had not done it yet or did not know the outcome of any other journey into the past. I believe it is the former.


He was making up the story about Belinda being dead to get sympathy from Darius. It's possible he was just trying to get laid. Did you not see the film?
