
I was a Tamar fan in the beginning and rooted for her success but the last few seasons her narcissistic ways have gotten on my last nerve. She never admits her wrongs, everything is always about her and she thinks she better than everybody. She wants support and sympathy but doesn't give it to them. Her sisters are in no way jealous of her just tired of her attitude and mouth. There's no way you have issues with all your sisters, your mom said she would "slap the piss out you" and your husband is mad at you every other episode of their show.. Tamar you are the common denominator


^^^ yass! Agree with all of that....she is beyond full of herself

No Roger, no Rerun, no rent


Right & check mate! I love some Tamar(isms), but there are sooo many times I want to jump in the tv and snatch her!
I'm sensitive to people who DON'T listen, can't comprehend, and walk away when people are trying to resolve issues! Tamie is ATA!
Sometimes my heart goes out to her, but at the same moment, I wanna slap the piss out of her myself, she's: selfish, inconsiderate, mouthy, rude, disrespectful, and immature as hell!
I can't stand a narcissist/hypocrite, and she's a big one!
If she just had "several seats" and listened, she'd be able to grow up!
