MovieChat Forums > Hayride (2012) Discussion > THIS is what a one-star movie looks like

THIS is what a one-star movie looks like

The "hero" looked like that annoying "You're getting a Dell, dude" guy, and he was smiling for 95% of the movie for no reason at all.
The acting was insanely horrible.
The dialogue was boring.
The camera-work and lighting were at high-school level.
The only thing close to the standard-issue horror movie nudity was some slight cleavage from the main girl, and I was hoping she'd die also.
The special effects were just three bottles of ketchup.
The budget for this movie must have been about $500.

The only thing going for it was the concept. I thought that was pretty original.

Otherwise, go stare at a wall for two hours and you'll be happier.


Who's the star ?

*beep* off you *beep* *beep*


The lack of anyone uttering a word for the last third of the movie while people randomly get stabbed was oddly disconcerting, and not in a good way.

But I dunno, I'm forgiving to low budget movies most of the time but this bothered me. Was one of those cases of someone with no production money having a higher concept than they could possibly meet with their resources.


One-star movie is right!


Lmao! The hero sucked. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was highly annoyed with his constant smiling. His voice reminded me of Casey casum. Whenever he talked I zoned out.


No, this is what a low budget movie looks like. Well made.. not particularly, but not bad. If you want an ACTUAL one star movie, go watch pretty much anything made by Ulli Lommel.. especially The Raven.


It's not really better than Lommel movies. They are more boring than this but well better made from the technical point of view. This crap have sound issues and primary school editing.
